Sunday, December 30, 2007
I'm on the top of the world, looking down...

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Our Crazy Trick Rider
This was Gracie's big present this year. We got this rocking horse from Costco. It makes sounds, moves its head and tail, and has cute stirrups and a saddle. I knew that she would love it but never imagined that I had a trick rider on my hands (or at least yet). These pictures are from the first day we pulled it out. Boys and Girls, do not try this at home.
Position #1
Position #2
Position #3
Mind you, I did not prompt her to do this and am totally surprised that she would come up with that idea on her own. I don't know what's next, but stay tuned because she might surprise us all again.
The day after Christmas, Justin went to work with his horse after work and Gracie and I met him there. Justin's cousin was there and this is their new dog, Sarge. He licked Gracie's face and surprised her. She was glad to have a friend her size and was really fascinated. I can't wait to get a puppy someday.
This is Gracie going for a ride on Buddy, Justin's cousin's miniature horse. It was really cold but Gracie was excited to ride and did not want to get off. She let me know it too. Gracie is starting to look really grown up on a horse and on this ride she held on all by herself. Justin was leading the horse and she kept one hand on the reign and the other on the saddle horn. It was too cute.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas Celebration
Christmas morning was a lot of fun. Gracie liked her Barn, her cute new hat (no I did not crochet this myself), her new doll and just the excitement and confusion that Christmas morning brings.
Yes, I'm the parent who stuffs my child in her doll box so that she can be the doll. She was actually quite content in there and played with the farm animals she had thrown in there earlier.
Every time Gracie found a baby bottle she tried to drink it. It was really sweet. The cute apron she is wearing is one my mom made. Gracie's little girl cousins have matching aprons.
We drove home to St. George on Christmas Day to miss the storms on the 26th. We were sad to say goodbye but were glad to travel in safe and nice weather. When we got to St. George we opened our gifts here. Gracie got started right away trying on her new clothes.
After our long day and our trip away from home we were all worn out and ready to sleep in our own beds. Thanks again to all who made it a wonderful holiday.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...
A Picture is worth a thousand words.
We had a great time up North for Christmas. We were amazed to see all of the snow. I had almost forgotten how beautiful the freshly fallen snow makes everything look. Too bad I didn't take any pictures of the winter wonderland. We played a lot and Gracie loved hanging out with her fun cousins. Here are some of the highlights.
All of us sitting on Santa's lap.

Cute cousins in their Christmas jammies.

Gracie adoring sweet baby Porter with Nanny

Hanging out with dad.

We went to the BYU vs. SUU Basketball game in Provo on our way into town. It was fun and we were glad to get out of the car. Gracie was sad that she couldn't get all the way down to the court (and trust me) she would have if we let her.
All of us sitting on Santa's lap.
Cute cousins in their Christmas jammies.
Gracie adoring sweet baby Porter with Nanny
Hanging out with dad.
We went to the BYU vs. SUU Basketball game in Provo on our way into town. It was fun and we were glad to get out of the car. Gracie was sad that she couldn't get all the way down to the court (and trust me) she would have if we let her.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Progressive Dinner
Here we are in front of our tree with our stockings. Our house was the first stop. I made P.F. Chang's Chicken Lettuce Wraps. I'll post the recipe because I loved them. I also made a Christmas tree fruit plate and some bacon cashew wraps.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuacahn Nativity
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Called To Serve
Before I stat this entry, I want you all to know that I wanted to do a little bit of sentimental reminiscing. I just want to say that I know there are other ways to serve God than by serving a mission and in hindsight, I've gained a really strong testimony that my greatest contribution in this world is that of being a wife and a mother. I have really been impressed by the women in my life for their commitment to the gospel, to their homes and families, and for their amazing examples to me. That said...
5 years ago today I entered to MTC (missionary training center). I remember the days and months leading up to this moment. It was a really bittersweet time for me. I was leaving to Germany for 18 months and was nervous about leaving my family, yet excited about being out on my own. Some of my friends were engaged and nearly engaged. I was happy for them, yet disheartened to miss their weddings and also sad that things would never quite be the same.
I entered the MTC and was given two fantastic companions- Kellie P. and Karee Z. who really made my life as a missionary fun, memorable, and I honestly feel like they were family to me when I was away from my own family. I remember so clearly sitting in class and singing German Christmas carols that I did not yet understand. Then we sang "Away in a Manger" and I realized that I had learned just enough words to really understand the third verse (Keeping in mind that I also knew it was a pretty close translation from the English version).
Sei ganz nahe bei mir
so nah wie es geht
fuer immer und ewig
das ist mein Gebet
und segne die Kinder
mit kraft fuer und fuer
das sie koennen leben
im Himmel mit dir.
Leaving on my mission represents so much for me. I trace so many of the blessings that I enjoy today to my decision to go to Germany and serve the people there. It was such a sweet (and difficult, yet rewarding )experience that I will always remember.
5 years ago today I entered to MTC (missionary training center). I remember the days and months leading up to this moment. It was a really bittersweet time for me. I was leaving to Germany for 18 months and was nervous about leaving my family, yet excited about being out on my own. Some of my friends were engaged and nearly engaged. I was happy for them, yet disheartened to miss their weddings and also sad that things would never quite be the same.
I entered the MTC and was given two fantastic companions- Kellie P. and Karee Z. who really made my life as a missionary fun, memorable, and I honestly feel like they were family to me when I was away from my own family. I remember so clearly sitting in class and singing German Christmas carols that I did not yet understand. Then we sang "Away in a Manger" and I realized that I had learned just enough words to really understand the third verse (Keeping in mind that I also knew it was a pretty close translation from the English version).
Sei ganz nahe bei mir
so nah wie es geht
fuer immer und ewig
das ist mein Gebet
und segne die Kinder
mit kraft fuer und fuer
das sie koennen leben
im Himmel mit dir.
Leaving on my mission represents so much for me. I trace so many of the blessings that I enjoy today to my decision to go to Germany and serve the people there. It was such a sweet (and difficult, yet rewarding )experience that I will always remember.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Unbreak my heart
So, Gracie has always loved to suck. She was a total binky girl from the first time she tried one. At about 6 months there were a couple days when her binky just wasn't handy so I didn't give it to her and figured that she would survive. She did, and she began to suck her thumb. It's really cute and she is so good when we lay her down for bed- so I really hate to take away her thumb. The only thing, is that I've heard from a lot of parents that there is a window for breaking the habit and if you miss that window it gets to be really difficult.
Gracie has started to suck her thumb more and her little thumb gets red and sore. So... on Sunday we wrapped her thumb (but made Justin's dad do it). She woke up in the morning with the tape still on but has gotten quite skilled today at taking the tape off (which we put on about 3-4 different times). Tonight was the worst. She was totally crying and Justin and I felt really mean. Anyway, I know it is all for the best, but sometimes I really hate trying to be firm about things.
Christmas Crafting
So, here a few pics of my latest crafts. I got a sewing machine for my birthday/early Christmas and have really enjoyed making things and trying out my almost non-existent sewing skills. I'm really not all that crafty but think I would like to become craftier. I think that there is a great feeling when you are able to create something from nothing and it's really rewarding to see your vision of something pull together.
The first project I finished was the tree skirt. We have a cowboy themed Christmas Tree and I saw a cute skirt at Roberts but it was $40 and still $20 on sale. I opted for a cheaper option. Here is the $5 alternative I came up with. Don't look too closely, it's a little less than perfect but I'm still bursting with pride that I dared to make something.
My second project was making a matching stocking for Gracie. The first Christmas we were married I found some felt cowboy boot stockings and got a great deal on them. In hindsight, I kind of wish I would have bought a few more, but I think I just figured that I would be able to make more as I needed them. My mom was great and gave me some felt and some scraps, so in the end, this project was less than $5 (for me). The two stockings on the left are the ones I bought and the one on the far right is my latest creation. I've seen more realistic cowboy boot stockings but like that these have more of a stocking feel instead of just a "boot" feel.
My last craft I was going to wait to post, but I'll put it on here anyway. I've been busy making bows for Gracie. Here is a sneak peak inside one of her Christmas packages.
The first project I finished was the tree skirt. We have a cowboy themed Christmas Tree and I saw a cute skirt at Roberts but it was $40 and still $20 on sale. I opted for a cheaper option. Here is the $5 alternative I came up with. Don't look too closely, it's a little less than perfect but I'm still bursting with pride that I dared to make something.
My second project was making a matching stocking for Gracie. The first Christmas we were married I found some felt cowboy boot stockings and got a great deal on them. In hindsight, I kind of wish I would have bought a few more, but I think I just figured that I would be able to make more as I needed them. My mom was great and gave me some felt and some scraps, so in the end, this project was less than $5 (for me). The two stockings on the left are the ones I bought and the one on the far right is my latest creation. I've seen more realistic cowboy boot stockings but like that these have more of a stocking feel instead of just a "boot" feel.
My last craft I was going to wait to post, but I'll put it on here anyway. I've been busy making bows for Gracie. Here is a sneak peak inside one of her Christmas packages.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
What happens in Vegas...
Guys, I finally found out what happens in Vegas. Major fun. On Monday night Justin and I went to the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas with Larry and Jeff. It was awesome. I had a great time cheering for all the cowboys and cowgirls and loved the lights and drama of it all. It doesn't matter how many rodeos I go to, I nearly have a heart attack (okay, so I just hold my breath and wince) when the cowboys got bucked off the broncs or bulls (I just hate seeing people get hurt).
It was especially fun because every year we watch the NFR and it's Justin's favorite sport. If any of you have never seen it, you should check it out. It goes the rest of the week until Sunday
and I think it's on ESPN. Anyway, we had a great date and tons of fun.
It was especially fun because every year we watch the NFR and it's Justin's favorite sport. If any of you have never seen it, you should check it out. It goes the rest of the week until Sunday
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
And there were Shepherds abiding in the fields
The other day I went with Carrie (Justin's sister) and her girls to a Nativity display. They had over 300 nativities and some beautiful pictures of Christ and his birth. At the end there was a children's room where the kids got their own shepherd head wraps (is there an official name for those?). We had a great time and it was a wonderful Christmas activity.
O Tannenbaum
wie treu sind deine Blätter!
Du grünst nicht nur
zur Sommerzeit,
Nein auch im Winter, wenn es schneit.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!

The other day, I walked into the kitchen and Gracie was emptying the tupperware cupboard. This is probably her favorite activity. It makes a mess of my kitchen, but it's actually great entertainment for her if I'm trying to cook or get a project done. Anyway, after she emptied the cupboard she climbed in and poked her head out the other side. It was pretty funny. I''m glad I was able to catch at least part of it.

Gracie's appetite has been growing so the other day Justin made her her own PBJ sandwich. She felt pretty big to have her own sandwich and she actually ate the whole thing.
Du grünst nicht nur
zur Sommerzeit,
Nein auch im Winter, wenn es schneit.
O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum,
wie treu sind deine Blätter!
The other day, I walked into the kitchen and Gracie was emptying the tupperware cupboard. This is probably her favorite activity. It makes a mess of my kitchen, but it's actually great entertainment for her if I'm trying to cook or get a project done. Anyway, after she emptied the cupboard she climbed in and poked her head out the other side. It was pretty funny. I''m glad I was able to catch at least part of it.
Gracie's appetite has been growing so the other day Justin made her her own PBJ sandwich. She felt pretty big to have her own sandwich and she actually ate the whole thing.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
100 Things
Hey, I'm not going to tell you 100 interesting facts about myself because #1)I'm probably not that interesting #2) It would probably take me all day. I just looked around my house a little while ago and it seriously looked like World War III. It was actually clean yesterday but as I pulled out wrapping paper, christmas projects (which I may post about later but not yet- don't want to ruin any surprises), and fixed dinner- my house fell apart. So, this morning I played an old favorite game of my mom's (But didn't have 8 kids to help). My mom used to say "Everyone pick up 50 things". Depending on how messy the house was the number would change. I decided this morning to pick up 100 things. I ran around as fast as I could putting things away. It didn't take me very long and now my house feels that much better. Thanks mom. I highly recommend this to anyone- I love a game so this really appealed to me, even as a kid.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Rocky Mountain High
The program is 5 years long (because it is a dual degree) but for some reason I don't even feel bothered that we'll be in school for so much longer. It could have something to do with me not really being the person going to school, taking tests, writing papers, etc. I'm really excited for Justin though and have been thinking of Winston Churchill's quote "Never, never, never give up."
Go Rams! :)
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