Friday, August 21, 2009


Today Gunner was taking a nap and I heard him crying. I told Gracie, "I'm going to run and get Gustin". It just came out that way but made me laugh because we hear so often that Gunner looks like a little Justin.

We took Gunner to the doctor yesterday for shots and a late 6 month well baby check-up. Here are his stats :
Height: 27 1/4 inches- 49 %
Weight: 18lbs. 5 oz. -33%
Head: 18 inches- 75%

We love Gunner and are so happy that he is growing so well. He is one happy little baby and is so fun to have around. He is loving solids and we are starting to wonder if he is going to eat us out of house and home. He's had a big couple of weeks with starting to crawl 2.5 weeks ago and getting his first two teeth just about a week ago. I can tell he feels pretty big. OH- and he only woke up once last night (great for him- I think we're going to get him sleeping through the night pretty soon here.

Just call her Nastia (or Shawn)

On Wednesday, Gracie started the Gymnastics portion of our pre-school (One mom is teaching gymnastics instead of pre-school lessons). The teacher and her husband made a balance beam for the girls. It was so fun to watch Carrie, the teacher as she led the girls through stretches and exercises. I can't wait to watch Gracie learn and improve too.

Oath and swearing in

This week, Justin has been doing a lot of stuff for orientation at Vet school here at CSU. For those of you who don't know, last year he was working mostly on the MBA portion of things and so this is his first official year of vet school. They had a "coating ceremony" for all of the veterinary students. They all (138 students) walked across the stage to get their lab coats and name tags. One of the main professors read off the names, where the students were from, what they got their undergraduate degrees in, their veterinary interests, and hobbies. It was a fun event, and once again we were so proud of Justin.
Signing the honor code

Best buddies
Some of Justin's fellow MBA /DVM students (1 is missing)
A picture with the proud wife

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Puppy Love

Well, to be honest, this post is old news for almost all of my blog followers. Sorry. But, for those of you who don't know or for those who have been waiting for a is our new puppy. We got her the second week of July and her name is Miley (Yes, like Hannah Montana- we have the best of both worlds). Miley is a miniature Australian Shepherd and she is a red merle (coloring). Oh, and in case you are wondering- that's Gunner's binky in her mouth (she has stolen it several times (silly, naughty, funny- she fits right in around here).

Pioneer Day

We enjoyed Pioneer Day in Pine Valley. We almost always go to the lawn of the Pine Valley chapel to play games and race- along with all of Justin's cousins and most of the people in the valley. We also made it to Enterprise for the rodeo. Gracie slept through the chicken chase, but got enough of a power nap to stay up and watch Justin rope at 12:30am :). (did I just admit that on my blog?).
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Everybody dies famous in a small town

Our friends Alli and Morgan came to visit us in Pine Valley. Alli is a photographer and took some pics of us. You can see them on her blog here. She is a woman of many talents. Thanks again, Alli. If you're wondering about the title, I put it there because we are obviously now famous (how many people do you know with their pictures on the internet???? TJK)

I've been meaning to get some newer pictures here on the blog, but I am having internet issues with the laptop. So... until then,know that we are happy healthy, and we are going back to Colorado in about 5 days. Many updates to come.