Thursday, December 23, 2010

The big sis

Gracie: Can I just hold Maisy standing up?
Maggie: No, I'm sorry.
Gracie: Please!!! I promise I'll be really careful.
Maggie: I remember asking my mom if I could just stand up and hold babies too but she always made me sit down so I could be safe.
Gracie: Okay. [pauses for a moment] But is it alright if I hold her standing up?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays...

Oh, there's no place like
home for the holidays
'Cause no matter how far away you roam
When you pine for the sunshine
Of a friendly face
For the holidays, you can't beat
Home, sweet home

Oh there's no place like home
For the holidays, 'cause no matter
How far away you roam
If you want to be happy in a million ways
For the holidays, you can't beat
Home, sweet home

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I wanted to update this morning because I know that some of you are checking up on us to see about Maisy's surgery. The past few days have been CRAZY.

On Monday, Maisy was transferred to PSL's Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. They took her into the new hospital and the cardiologist and pediatric intensivist looked at her. They said that she looked great and sucked down 65 cc's from her bottle. They also said that she didn't look like a baby in heart failure. The next day they did an echo-cardiogram (ultrasound of the heart).

The cardiologist sat down and talked to me about some reasons that he was considering not going through with the surgery. He still has hope that the VSD (the hole in her heart) will close on its own (although it has the characteristics of a moderate rather than a small VSD). This was about 11am and the cardiologist said he would consult with his colleagues and get back to me around 2pm.

I stayed at the hospital until 4pm and still no word, so I asked the nurse to let me know if they decided anything. Long story short, we didn't get word until after noon yesterday that they are not doing surgery today. Basically, they feel that surgery will probably still be necessary, but Maisy is doing well enough that they want to hold off and let her get bigger. Maisy's heart anatomy and size would make the surgery a little more difficult to do right now. The cardiologist (the partner of the one I mentioned before) said that he hopes Maisy will prove them wrong about surgery and just take off growing and get well on her own. They haven't determined a new surgery date, and I think it will all depend on how Maisy is doing.

In the meantime, they are hoping to send Maisy home in "a couple of days". They think that she can just grow at home until it is time for surgery. Right now they are trying to figure out exactly what she needs to eat in order to grow better and are trying to get her to take more orally, but even if they need to send her home with a feeding tube, they will. We will still be visiting the hospital but Maisy is on the pediatrics floor where they allow children to visit. She also has her own room with a tv and its own bathroom. I'm taking the kids today to have some bonding time with their sister.

We feel really blessed to be under the care of such great doctors and are excited to get Maisy home. Today she is 5 weeks old. Gracie said this morning,"I wish with all my heart to have Maisy home". Hopefully the plan won't change this time. I used to think I liked drama, but I am really starting to miss being boring.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Maisy's transfer

Maisy was transferred to Denver this afternoon. I have to admit, I was teary as I sent her off to begin this whole process in Denver. I wish that our lives were such that we could just drop everything and be there to ride in the ambulance with her, and to stay at her bedside 24-7. At the same time, however, I'm grateful for 2 older kids and for school because I think it has been the reminder we need to keep some perspective. I'm glad I don't have 24 quiet hours a day to think about heart surgery. I don't think I could face it.The transport team was really nice. This was their bright green ambulance with the festive holiday wreath.Here is the bed Maisy was transferred in. They hook her up to monitors, just like they do in her Nicu bed.

Maisy is up to 5lbs. 13oz. Can you see her little cheeks starting to fill out?

All I want for Christmas...

Friday, December 10, 2010


We talked to the doctors earlier this week and surgery is scheduled for 7:30 AM on Thursday morning, December 16th. Maisy will be transferred back down to Denver on Monday morning. It will be her 2nd ambulance ride.

In Denver we'll be at Presbyterian St. Luke's hospital and they'll do some in depth exams and tests before the surgery. Maisy is graduating from the NICU to the PICU (Pediatric intensive care unit). They decided to put her there because that is where she will be post-op. Our little girl is beefing up for her surgery. She is now up to 5lbs 12.8 oz. I was thinking of supporting Maisy in a different way. I'm going to gain a pound in support of Maisy. 'Tis the season! Anyone want to join me?

My mom is coming out on Wednesday to help again with the kids. We are so blessed. When I talked to the person scheduling the surgery, she said that most babies go home within 5-7 after the surgery. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, but am giddy about the idea of having Maisy home for Christmas. Tomorrow will be her one month birthday. We miss her.

I usually get to go to the hospital in the morning for about 2-3 hours (while friends watch the kids) and then again in the evening for about 1-2 hours (after the kids are in bed or a little before). I usually call first thing when I get up in the morning to see how she did through the night and to get a weight update. Maisy is eating her bottles well during the day and is still getting fed through her feeding tube all night long.

Justin is keeping his head above water. He was told by a lot of people that this would be his hardest semester. He began the semester working really hard, and has consistently been working hard. Next week is his finals week. He's got finals on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and one for Thursday that he is trying to reschedule. It will be a tricky week for sure, but we are so proud of Justin and his hard work.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fun with Kim

We just had Justin's sister, Kim in town for the weekend. It was so much fun and we loved playing and visiting. We spent time at the hospital, at the mall, the nursery with the reindeer, and went out for burgers and ice cream. THANKS, KIM! WE LOVE YOU.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Maisy's latest

**This picture was taken two days ago. Some amazing person brought these beautiful hats to all the baby girls in the NICU.
On Thanksgiving day we went to visit Maisy with the kids before we ate our dinner. While we were there, her oxygen levels kept dipping down. Maisy hasn't been on oxygen since she was born, so they looked into it a little more. She sounded congested and they did some x-rays. They tested her for RSV and gave her a diuretic in case it was heart related. The RSV stuff came back negative, and Maisy started improving with the diuretic. She took several full feedings through that day and the next, which she hadn't done in several days.

The next day they did an echo-cardiogram (ultrasound exam of the heart) and found that her Ventricular Septral Defect (VSD) was letting a lot of blood cross-over from the left ventricle to the right. This was the thing the cardiologists had wanted to just check up on in a month. Basically, Maisy is going into congestive heart failure because her lungs are having to pump almost twice the amount of blood through them that they should. We knew this was a possiblity, but they didn't think it would happen so early.

It was a little bit of a process figuring out what that would mean for Maisy, but they've determined that they will have to do open heart surgery and fix her VSD before she is really going to thrive. The term open heart surgery and the whole idea of it makes me cringe, but the cardiologist told us that this particular surgery has a 99% success rate. They told us on Thursday that they want Maisy to get up to 3 Kilograms (6lbs. 10oz.) before they operate. Right now she is on continuous feeds to gain weight and is up to 5lbs.6oz. They anticipate that it will take 2-4 weeks to get her up to the weight she needs to be.

The doctor said she isn't ruling out the possibility of letting her come home to grow if she is doing really well, but they still need to see more consistency with her weight gain and her heart rate (which has been extra high). Maisy is on a diuretic 3 times a day as well, to help keep water off of her lungs.

How are we doing? We're holding on. I didn't mention this, but Maisy was transferred almost 2 weeks ago up to Fort Collins. It has made all the difference in being able to visit her. Our family, friends and ward members have been incredible. I've never had a need to have so much service extended to me. My wonderful mother filled our freezer (and fridge, and pantry), friends have been watching our children each morning so that I can visit our baby in the hospital, and Justin has been so selfless and supportive in watching the kids on top of all of his school work and tests so that I can visit Maisy in the evenings. The kids definitely have their "struggling with transition" moments, but have also been so good considering all that has happened in the last month.

In spite of this being one of the most challenging things I have ever faced, I have never been so enveloped in warmth and love and have been the recipient of so much christ-like service that I feel overwhelmed to tears just thinking about it. That includes the fasting, prayers, phone calls, blog comments, and emails from those who are far away. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and concern. We will post more about surgery when we hear dates or get more information.**My milk supply in the freezer. I've been pumping for the last 3 weeks. My freezer is packed, my fridge is packed, the freezer and fridge at the hospital are packed with my milk. Next step... breast milk donor.

As good as it gets

My mom is so great! With all of the blogging and updates about Maisy, I never blogged about how wonderful it was to have my mom here. She is truly wonder woman. She cleaned, she sewed, she cooked and baked, she shopped, she entertained, she comforted and she encouraged. We would have been lost without her (and still are a little bit). I felt like crying (and did) when I knew that she wouldn't even get to enjoy seeing Maisy at home. What a wonderful mother and nanny she is. I hope to be just like her. We miss you, mom!
Gunner fell asleep sitting up while my mom read him a story. Gracie is faking it.My mom took the kids to the children's museum in Denver. They had a ball.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The kids wrestling in the hospital waiting room on Sunday.
Pretending to sleep on the waiting room couch. How big does Gunner look?

All pooped out. The tube in her nose is her feeding tube.

This is Maisy when I went this morning. She was so alert and we had fun hanging out. She'll be 3 weeks tomorrow. I will write an update soon... I promise.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Meeting the little sister

Justin taking Maisy's temperature.

Maisy is still in the NICU and we are hoping and praying that she will be home any day. On Saturday, we went to Denver and Maisy got to meet some very special visitors. The NICU is restricted to parents and grandparents during flu season, but a very special nurse helped us to arrange a meeting between Maisy and her older siblings.
Gracie and Gunner seeing Maisy for the first time. Gunner looks excited to see Maisy, but he was actually saying "Hi, Dad!" and waving to Justin. Anyway, it made our day that our kids could finally meet their new baby sister. It may be her last time to see them without getting mauled.

Sleeping with prayer hands

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Waiting on a little girl

Above is a picture of a preemie onesie next to a newborn size onesie. Maisy's clothes are so tiny and I feel like I will be playing dolls. I may even keep a few out for Gracie to use with her dolls when Maisy graduates to a bigger size.
This is Maisy and her cute dad. They were bonding last night at the hospital and she was making all kinds of cute faces at him. Maisy has made it to the graduate NICU now and the only thing keeping her from coming home to us is her eating. She needs to eat all of her food through a bottle (instead of a feeding tube) for 24-48 hours. She is getting close though and we are hoping that she will be home by Saturday.
Little miss bright eyes. She had her eyes open almost the whole time we visited yesterday.
This was my turn to hold the pretty girl. Did I mention she gets to wear clothes now? In the NICU they go all out and give them onesies and sleepers. She was all decked out in pink and her bed was all pink too. Who knew you had to go to the NICU to get all the nursery perks?

This is Maisy under the "billi" lights. She had high billirubin levels for a few days and spent a lot of time under the lights. Everytime I saw her, I thought off the tanning beds. I love the cute little goggles.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How it all went down

Thursday Morning I called the doctor's office to tell them I was showing some signs of labor. They told me to come in and get checked and also to have my bags packed to go to Denver.
I finished packing my bag to go to Denver and bags for the kids to go overnight...just in case.

I went to the midwives to be checked. They said there was enough change from my Tuesday appointment that they wanted to be sure I was okay. They sent me down to Denver "just to be on the safe side". Justin and I were both wondering if it was a false alarm. We didn't want to question the doctors but I didn't feel like I was in active labor and Denver is a long way to drive (about an hour away)- especially if it wasn't the real deal and we had to be sent back.

We dropped our kids off at our friends' house. They are saints and deserve to go to heaven. These are the same friends that took our kids overnight when we went to the hospital this last weekend.

Justin and I arrived at the hospital at about 1pm. We checked in and were told it would take a couple of hours to rule out labor. I got checked pretty soon and had made even more change and progress. The OB specialist who met with us over the weekend came and broke my water at about 2:30pm. I got an epidural at about 6pm. I just couldn't take the pain, and probably never will be able to. Ahhh, relief. I continued to labor and Maisy was born just after 7pm.

Maisy had the cord wrapped around her neck, but other than that the delivery was really slick. Did I mention that Maisy is a full 3lbs. smaller than Gracie was at 7lbs. 11oz? Yes. My recovery has been a lot easier and faster, which is good because I've been running back and forth from the NICU all weekend.

Anyway, we were glad that we listened to the advice of the doctors and midwives and didn't wait until the very last minute.

I was released today and we will have a better idea on Monday when Maisy will be released. In the meantime, we will be traveling back and forth and visiting quite a bit.

"And God has not ceased to be a God of miracles"

Mormon 9:15 And now, O all ye that have imagined up unto yourselves a god who can do no miracles, I would ask of you, have all these things passed of which I have spoken? Has the end come yet? Behold I say unto you, Nay; and God has not ceased to be a God of miracles.

9:16 Behold, are not the things that God hath wrought marvelous in our eyes? Yeah, and who can comprehend the marvelous works of God?

A week and a day ago I was sitting in shock in a hospital. I was trying to be logical, have good perspective, and stay calm. Inside I was crushed. I was told the perfect body forming inside of me was actually not perfect and I was swallowed up in fear of losing this sweet baby that I've carried for the last 8 months. I won't repeat my last post, but I'm not sure if I even mentioned in that post the additional worry that the specialist had that our baby might even have down's syndrome. We didn't know what to plan for and our hopes for our baby were melted down to hoping that she would survive birth or that we would survive whatever Heavenly Father had planned for her.

I'll tell my labor story later, but I wanted to first tell you that Maisy is doing very well. As you remember, the doctor gave us promising news last Saturday and drew our little heart diagram. forward to delivery. Maisy goes to the NICU (newborn intensive care unit) right after birth to be monitored until the cardiologist gets there. That night she had an echo-cardiogram done (basically an ultrasound of the heart). The cardiologist came to tell us that Maisy's left ventricle looks like it will be absolutely sufficient. Same with the aortic valve. They were worried about an obstruction from another anomaly in her heart. He said that also didn't appear to be a problem. There is a hole in the wall between the ventricles, but he said there is a flap of tissue that is preventing much blood from passing through and he thinks it may heal on its own.

There was one other new worry with the aortic isthmus (basically a place where blood needs to flow that our baby had a narrow passageway). They said that they needed the **PDA (patent ductus arteriosis) to close before they could determine if the passageway would be sufficient. **this is a part of the heart that is open in the fetal heart and closes within the first 48 hrs. of birth.

Well, the PDA is closing (if not completely closed) and our sweet baby has not had any problems so far. Little Maisy has stunned the doctors who have seen her ultrasound pictures and they have all been so amazed at how much better it all looks now that she is here (not even one week after all of this was diagnosed).

We are not 100% in the clear. They will do another echo-cardiogram on Monday to tell us what they think, but all outward signs are telling us that she will be just fine for now and not need surgery.

I just wanted to thank all of you for keeping Maisy and our family in your prayers. Faith is real, miracles are real, and God loves each and every one of us. I also know that this would be true even if we didn't have happy news to share. I have loved the opportunity, however, to testify of God and his goodness and miracles to everyone we have worked with in the hospital. What a blessing!

Our Miracle has arrived. Introducing...

Margaret Ann "Maisy" Gardner

Weight: 4lbs. 10oz.
Length: 18 1/4 inches

Maisy, already looking up to her wise parents.
Sleeping peacefully in the NICU.
Meeting her sweet nanny for the first time.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Broken hearted

I never know quite what to put on my blog. I usually use it as a picture forum for far away family to see our kids. I rarely do much journaling on here and often leave a lot of details and some significant events off. Did you know our dog, Miley, died this summer? She did, and now I feel guilty that it isn't on here. But how do I leave off something life changing and so significant in our lives right now? The answer is, I don't. So... if you know all about this, you can read what you want. If you don't, that's why I'm putting this on here.

This past Friday I went in for an ultrasound. I've also been a little hush-hush about the 3 ultrasounds I've had in the last month. Our baby has been measuring small (Like 20 days or more behind the Estimated due date). My midwives didn't feel comfortable with the huge discrepancy so I kept getting sent back for ultrasounds. On Friday they were supposed to do a bio-physical and check the flow from the umbilical chord. From there, I was sent to labor and delivery at Poudre Valley Hospital for monitoring and to speak to a doctor about my ultrasound. From there I was sent to Denver. Luckily our kids were in good hands, because we were admitted to the hospital overnight and met with an OB specialist and a pediatric cardiologist. It was seriously a whirlwind.

Friday night we had another ultrasound in Denver. It was filled with a lot of scary words like heart disease, complex, severe, abnormal, and open heart surgery. We didn't know much of what to think and were left with a lot of time to think about it the next day. It led to a lot of reflection about life, Heavenly Father's plan, and what this meant for our family.

Our visit with the pediatric cardiologist was really helpful. It helped us to put things in context and gave us a better idea as to the seriousness of our baby's condition. The baby has been diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (mild to moderate underdevelopment of the mitral valve and left ventricle) and a persistent left superior Vena Cava (this is part of the thoracic system, rather than the heart, but is included because cardiologists are the ones who operate on it).

I can give more information, but basically, our baby's left heart is not fully developed and we will have to wait until birth to see if the heart is strong enough or capable of pumping all the blood it need to- especially the left ventricle. I don't know that I'll write much more about it until after the baby is born. There are so many unknowns and we will just have to wait until birth to find out much more.

This is the picture the cardiologist drew of our baby's heart. You can see that the left side is smaller but it is more like a 60/40 split with the right heart and not as severe as most of the cases they see. The doctor said it is actually more common to have a 90/10 split than the kind our baby has. Anyway, we feel blessed to have come across such great and capable doctors and will let you know what we find out.

I'm 36 weeks today, but didn't feel like I could pose for a belly shot. It felt to weird, after knowing what I know. Don't get me wrong- I am so excited for this baby to come. I've been washing clothes, getting the carseat ready, and dreaming of how our baby girl will look. I'm getting induced the 22nd of November (2 weeks from today) and they expect the baby to hospitalized for at least 4 days. The baby will be delivered in Denver so that we will have access to all of the pediatric cardiologists and other heart help we might need. We were given some encouraging information that a little girl with a heart similar to our baby's heart didn't need to have surgery until she was 3. I'm still trying to prepare though for surgery close after birth so that I can be somewhat prepared for anything.

Justin and I feel more gratitude than anything. We are humbled that the doctors even found this condition and feel like we've been placed in the most capable hands. We cannot deny the hand of our Heavenly Father and his love,mercy, and watchful care over us and this baby. We know who we are, we know God's plan, we'll follow him in faith.

We appreciate everyone who is praying on behalf of our baby and will let you know as we receive any updates (though we don't expect anything much until after the baby is born). Love to all.


Gunner carving a pumpkin the day before halloween! The reason why I didn't do a picture of the finished product is that we ran out of steam and never finished. Awesome, huh?

Our cute cow at the ward party. I made him this costume and was happy with how it turned out.

Gracie in her sleeping beauty dress. Her favorite part of halloween was being allowed to wear some mascara each time she dressed up.

This was the best I got of the two of them.

All worn out. She didn't even wake up when the prince (Justin) kissed her cheek.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Gracie's Birthday in pictures

Getting ready to open her present from Nanny and Grandpa.

The "Strawberry Shortcake" cake that Gracie had requested. I was pleased with how it turned out. It was the perfect balance between having a really special cake and being really simple.Getting ready to blow out the candles!As she blew out the candles, Gracie leaned a little too far forward and burned her forehead (not bad, just enough for us to see a reaction). It was kind of funny.

My Birthday

My 29th birthday was on Friday. It didn't disappoint. I had a beautiful day and felt loved by so many people. Some highlights of my day were...
Justin making french toast for me in the morning

Consuming some of the delicious Dulce de Leche cheesecake I had made the day before. (I'll have to post the recipe... it was great).
Going out to dinner with Justin (didn't take a picture). Taking the kids to Treatsylvania (trick or treat at the farm). The last activity was a cool local thing where the kids knock on some doors that are really close together so they don't get too tired. The doors were about every 5 or 10 feet. Gracie went as a ballerina and Gunner went as a cow. I only got one of Gracie, but I'll get more at our upcoming Halloween events.

Balmy October

Our neighbor gave us this little green turtle sandbox last week and the kids wanted to put some water in it. It was about 4:30 in the afternoon and the next thing I knew Gracie's swimsuit was on, Gunner's pants were off (he's wearing a long sleeved onesie), and they were acting like crazy kids on a warm October day. I can't believe how nice the weather has been- but I'm not going to complain. It really did feel like a summer day (except the freezing hose water was not one bit tempting to me).