On the third and fourth we went to the Gunlock rodeo. It was a lot of fun, and we love the tradition of going to this rodeo every year (often on multiple nights). Gracie chased chickens both nights (an event in the arena for all the kids- if you catch a chicken, you can trade it in for a dollar or keep it). Gunner sat next to us like an old rodeo spectator, clapping at all the right times and singing intermittently. We stayed both nights until about 10:30- which is early in terms of the Gunlock rodeo, but late in terms of 1 and 3 year olds. :)

Our little family. I think this is a cute picture, but sorry I didn't crop out the background people :)

Gracie loving a snow cone. By the way, the title of this post comes from Gracie. She says most words right, but calls the radio the rodeo. She likes to call up to us from the back seat and ask us to turn the "rodeo" off. It makes me smile every time.

Father and son. This was the first night.