Thursday, May 12, 2011

To our newest MBA

        You may or may not have realized that Justin has been in a combined MBA/DVM program for the last 3 years. It has added an extra year onto our total schooling and has required many extra evenings, hours during the day, summer courses, and time away from the family.
       Well... he's graduating this week with his MBA and we are so happy to be done.  He decided not to walk and with the lack of fanfare, I don't want this accomplishment might be overshadowed by the bigger degree that he is working on, but I'm really proud of his hard work and dedication.It has been demanding, and Justin is always concerned about doing things well and not just doing things to check them off of a list.

Justin is also taking his last final for the year as we speak and I am so very proud of all he has done this year in spite of all that has been happening in our little family. This has been his busiest semester yet with school alone and he has still managed to be an excellent husband and father. I am looking forward to a whole summer of no school or homework. WE LOVE YOU, JUSTIN!  3 down- 2 to go.

Side Effects

When Maisy went in for surgery, they told us about some risks during the actual surgery and after. I think they forgot to mention one side effect. This baby doesn't like to sleep anymore. I find it more humorous than anything. It's like she just has so much energy now that she doesn't want to nap. She just wants to hang out and explore. I'm sure this will be remedied a little when she starts moving around a little more, but as of right now, there are several days when she sleeps less than Gunner does. Silly Maisy.

Yesterday marked Maisy's 6 month birthday and one month  since surgery. She's doing great. Here are some milestones:
*Maisy started eating solids on Easter. So far she's tried avocado, banana, applesauce, green beans and rice cereal.
*I can't remember if I mentioned it already, but I stopped pumping a few weeks before surgery.
*Maisy is rolling well from tummy to back but hasn't yet rolled from back to tummy.
*Maisy is sitting well with a boppy behind her and is on the verge of sitting by herself (she's done it for a minute or to but isn't very steady).
*Maisy is usually waking up twice a night. Sometimes she just lays in her bed and yells and talks rather than crying. Usually she goes back to bed after a quick bottle but there have been a few times in the last week where I have been up a littlewhile.
*Maisy LOVES to have her diaper change. She squeals or giggles in delight or gives huge happy smiles. I guess she likes being clean. She also loves the bath.
* Maisy weighed in last Thursday at 11lbs.9oz.
*Maisy is completely off of medication.
*Maisy is a total giggler and Gracie is usually the best at getting her to laugh hard.
*Maisy's home health  nurse said that her scar is the smallest scar she has ever seen for open heart surgery.

We love our little Maisy and are so happy that she is starting to experience so many fun things. She is a really happy and easy-going baby and loves it when we play with her toes (or maybe we just love it). Anyway, this is one of my favorite baby ages and I'm really enjoying it :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hello, Goodbye

 Hello friends, parks, church, libraries, school, play-dates, stores, outings, solid food and 6 oz. bottles.

Goodbye doctors, surgery, hospitals, VSD's, Lasix (diuretic), Tylenol, home health nurses, poor weight gain and staying away.

Gracie is excited to see more places and have more people to talk to. She has loved playing more and is becoming best buddies with some of our neighbors.
Hello Nursery and Sacrament meeting.

Gunner was really sad to miss out on church for so long. He was sooo good on Sunday. Love him. He is also excited to play with friends and start going places.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Baby Girls

Gracie- 6 months
Gracie- 6 months
 I've been going through a lot of pictures lately. I've been looking for pictures of me and my dad for his birthday blog (check it out if you haven't. We started with my mom and are about halfway through my dad's portion now). Anyway, these pictures of Gracie bring me happy memories. Justin and I were both graduating and I took Gracie to class with me enough that she should have received a degree as well. I find it interesting to compare pictures of my girls at similar ages. What do you think? Do they look alike?
Maisy- 5 1/2 months
Maisy- 5 1/2 months

Maggie with Grandpa LeBaron
Then, I looked in one of my old albums and found this picture of me with my Grandpa LeBaron. I'm sad that it is all crackly and bent (I was running with it and ran into a tree. Yes a tree- don't even ask, but it has been years and years since I've run into a wall or tree).

I think that Maisy looks a lot like me. What do you think?