Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Maisy cakes

 Maisy is getting so big. She is talking a lot all of a sudden. When I read books to her she repeats so many of the words and I am starting to lose count of all the words she has said. Although she says a lot of words, they are not super crisp and clear. It will be even more fun when she is easier to understand :)
Maisy loves to help with everything and this weekend she found me almost every time I prepared a meal. Don't these girls look happy?

Maisy also moved into a big girl bed last week. She has been climbing out of her crib for months and even more since we got back from Utah, so I thought I would save her the trouble.  I wondered if I had made a mistake for a night or two while she was getting used to it, but she is doing really well and loves her bed.

Our cutie has also used the toilet a few times on her own and will sometimes get extra opinionated about not wanting to wear a diaper. I should start potty training, but I keep waiting for life to slow down and for a convenient few days of going nowhere. I guess I also fear cleaning up a bunch of accidents if she isn't really ready. We are sure proud of our growing baby girl though, and love her happy smile.

Ice Skating

 I signed Gracie up for an ice skating class through the city. BEST. DECISION.EVER. She loves it and is making some fun progress. I take her twice a week and it has been fun to see her progress.
 Maisy, Gunner and I watch from the bleachers. I love this picture of Maisy watching them. By the way, Maisy put this backpack on one day and wore it all day long. It is super mini and her perfect size. She really did wear that thing everywhere and she has done it a couple of other days too. Anything to feel big!

School Boy

 Gunner started pre-school a few weeks ago. He is loving it. I wasn't sold on putting him in pre-school, but he really wanted to go and so I signed him up. He goes 4 days a week so it is a little intense and it also means that I have some really quiet time while Maisy takes a nap.