Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dreams come true!

 I don't care what they say, the happiest place on Earth is graduation from a 5 year program. I got teary choosing pictures for this post. What a beautiful day! The culmination of so many hours and so much sacrifice.  I was on the verge of tears the entire time. We came to Fort Collins with one child and left with three and one on the way :) ( more on that later, for those who don't know about it). We bought our first house, we made lifelong friends, we experienced joy,tears, heartache and a million blessings and tender mercies along the way.

 But it didn't stop with me getting emotional about our little family. I thought of the contribution that Justin's family has made in giving him opportunities to grow up around animals and to support his dream. They knew him back when he was a handful, and here he was, becoming a doctor. :) Doesn't it make you all warm inside? Or teary? Anyone?

 And my parents. My Dad had surgery one week before graduation (to remove cancer) and he was there. It was all so inspiring and I was filled with love for everyone there. See? I told you. Happiest place on Earth. Maybe there are lots of happiest places on Earth :)

Last Day of Kindergarten

We never intended to leave before Gracie finished school, but with graduation and our house closing in the middle of May, we decided to leave 2 weeks before the end of the year. This was Gracie's last day of Kindergarten. We were all really sad to say goodbye to her amazing school, teacher, principle, and well, everyone.

A wiggly tooth

A few weeks before we left Colorado, Gracie was tearing a tag off a new shirt with her teeth. It resulted in her first wiggly tooth. It didn't come out for nearly a month after that, but she was convinced she would lose it that day. The morning it came loose, she said, "Mom, I'm not going to wiggle my tooth too much, I'll just let it fall out when it is ready." She came home after school asking why we couldn't just yank it out right then. She was so anxious to get a tooth necklace. Her amazing Kindergarten teacher sent one with her on her last day of school, and the day it came out she retrieved it from her backpack :).

Three kids

This was a common sight in the morning when we would all hurry to the bus stop, which was a few blocks away.

Senior Awards Banquet

A few weeks before graduation we went to a senior awards banquet. They combined a banquet with an awards ceremony that they usually do at graduation. We sat by some good friends and at good food. The highlight of the night (for me-- we all know I did not marry an attention seeker), was Justin receiving an award for Large Animal Emergency Animal Services. I am so proud of him and the countless hours he has put in. It is always nice to have someone recognize your hard work and sacrifice.


Hello blogging world. We graduated May 16th, spent a month in Utah, and then moved to Texas. Once we got here, it took awhile to set up our internet. So... get ready for the most massive update series.
love, Maggie