Friday, July 6, 2007

Some Valley

This last week we went to Sun Valley, Idaho with Maggie's family. We had a really fun time seeing everyone and Gracie loved spending time with her cousins. We had family pictures taken, went hiking, took "mommy walks", practiced our golf at the driving range, and drove to Idaho Falls to see a baptism and baby blessing. It was a great week. We were happy when our 9 hour drives there and back were over. Gracie did a phenomenal job in the car and got back on schedule pretty fast. She was a little restless during church, but liked "nursery" on the lawn of the Pine Valley Chapel.
I love the picture of Gracie with her uncle Bob. Her mouth is open so wide and she looks like the happiest baby alive.


Carrie said...

Mag--good job joining the blogging world once again. I can't see any of your pics though--are you waiting to post them at a later time? I'd love to see gummy, happy Gracee!

Seth said...

love the pics, mags. Have you seen our blog, yet? That last picture of Gracie is sweet! I think that you and I have VERY social babies. It will be fun when they're older, don't you think? (this is mare, btw)

Carrie said...

OK--I see the pics now and I love that smiley baby girl!!

Honey said...

Gracie looks just like you- she's a doll! What an adorable smile! I think we need to have a MacDonald reunion soon. We need to get all our babies (and adults too) together!