Saturday, October 13, 2007

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can

"Far Better is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those timid spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much becuase they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."- Theodore Roosevelt

Here are a few photos of the St. George Marathon. In spite of seven (yes 7) potty stops, I finished in 4:44:49. I ran the first ten miles with Jen Martin, met up with my friend Betsy for a few miles, and then ended up running a bit by myself as well. It was really great to have my parents and Justin's family there to cheer me on, and I ran through the pain so that I could see my sweet baby and amazing husband at mile 23.

I am grateful that I was able to run and was even walking quite normally after 3 days- before that, I was referred to as Frankenstein because I wasn't really bending my legs when I walked. Sounds glamorous, doesn't it. The pictures are compliments of Justin's dad, who was my personal photographer for the marathon. I was the last of all the runners in the family, so he would just ride his bike down the trail and wait to take more pictures. My favorite signs were, "run for the cure of rabies", "Pain is temporary, quitting is forever", and all of the incredible

motivational quotes that kept me going that I have long since forgotten. Right after the marathon I swore that I'd never run a marathon again, but I might reconsider now that I'm starting to forget the pain. I'll be sure to keep you all posted.


Carrie said...

Mag--you are amazing--good job! I was hoping you would post some pics from your race and have been checking your blog all week. Did you have to wait in line for the potty during the race?? I hope not!

belliesue said...

Maggie--CONGRATS on finishing and even attempting such a feat. I guess according to your Roosevelt quote, I'm one in the gray:( Oh Well. We're all way impressed.

Braun Family said...

is that pee running down your leg? JK. running a marathon sounds like having a baby: you think you'll never do it again but pain is temporary and lice doesn't stay forever. love you! so proud of you!

Honey said...

Wow! You truly are amazing! How nice to have so much support too - you go! There's no way I could do it. I would love to, but I HATE running. I love to see pics of you and your family. Your little Gracie is so darn cute! Congrats on a great run!

Krista said...

Mag you are incredible. I am really jealous and thinking that I should run one some day. What an accomplishment!

Nicole said...

wow, mags, congrats! i love that you and jen are marathoners these days. it's fantastic.

chiggidy said...

hi maggie! it's courtnie! i found your blog (randomly!) and just wanted to say hi and that i hope all is well.

i can't believe you have a cute baby and you ran a marathon! you amaze me!

tell your cute family hi for me -

love, courtnie

Jinii said...

Maggie so awesome to have stumbled on your blog. What a cute family. Congrats on running the marathon.

Bekah said...

Mags, congrats on your marathon! I hate running and admire anyone that enjoys running a mile, let alone 26.2! That's awesome! I also wanted to wish you a happy birthday! Hope you had a good one!