It seems that every blog I turn to these days includes the six little known facts. Here are mine
#1) Every time I go to a rodeo, I firmly believe that I have missed my calling in life as a rodeo queen. I have the same feeling when I see Barrel racers but there still might be time. Looking back, I also wish I would have been in beauty pageants (not because I think I'm so beautiful, more because I love the cheesiness of it all and think I could have given a really great speech if I had ever won)
#2) I've never been much of a dog person but ever since our dog, Oscar, died this summer I have been wanting a new little puppy. I really can't wait until we are a little more settled and can get a little border collie. Gracie, Justin and I would all love it.
#3) I love beets. I like them plain but love them on salads when I go to a salad bar. The other accompanying fact is that I like most foods. Meaning- the only food I've ever had that I would not try again was the lining of cow stomach (I think it was called Menudo, I tried it in Mexico). I bet if I didn't like it then you wouldn't either. The other thing I don't believe I have tried and don't plan to is Liver.
#4) I've already had my dream job and it was in college. I was a camp counselor for inner city youth. Every day we went swimming, played games, taught classes and object lessons, and sang around the campfire. I loved it so much and don't know that I would ever really get sick of it. The fact that I had a comfy bed to sleep in and warm showers just added to the whole excitement of it. Too bad that it's just not that practical for every day.
#5) I can't whistle very well and I especially can't whistle very loud. My whistle is kind of shrill and breathy. Way ugly. It just isn't as pleasant to whistle a merry tune when it doesn't sound very good. I hope that someday I can learn to whistle with my fingers so that I can a) find my kids in stores b) be a hit at ball games when I cheer and whistle for my team c) get a Taxi or a horse in a hurry if I need it. Maybe I'll have to google it and see if I can find better whistling instructions.
#6)I am super sappy and cry at least bi-weekly (If not weekly) when I hear, read, or see something sad. I have been sucked in by extra sad or extra happy country songs, over-emotional emails, the biggest loser and other success stories, touching blogs, the brady bunch, Saturday's Warrior, and sweet commercials. Yes, I am pathetic. Justin is still trying to figure me out.
You're hilarious! We'll have to come up with an occasion to hear that acceptance speech.
Saturday's Warrior, eh? It's alright I cry during commercials and cheesy things like that :)
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