Wednesday, December 5, 2007

100 Things

Hey, I'm not going to tell you 100 interesting facts about myself because #1)I'm probably not that interesting #2) It would probably take me all day. I just looked around my house a little while ago and it seriously looked like World War III. It was actually clean yesterday but as I pulled out wrapping paper, christmas projects (which I may post about later but not yet- don't want to ruin any surprises), and fixed dinner- my house fell apart. So, this morning I played an old favorite game of my mom's (But didn't have 8 kids to help). My mom used to say "Everyone pick up 50 things". Depending on how messy the house was the number would change. I decided this morning to pick up 100 things. I ran around as fast as I could putting things away. It didn't take me very long and now my house feels that much better. Thanks mom. I highly recommend this to anyone- I love a game so this really appealed to me, even as a kid.


Honey said...

I love your parents! It was so nice to see your Dad. We were so touched he came to our little burial. You're whole family is so great! I think we need to have a reunion sometime. There are so many "new" LeBarons I haven't met yet and haven't seen everyone else in years! :) You have such a special family!

Charisse said...

Maggie this is a great idea! II can't tell you how many times I have cleaned my house and have found it destroyed again in a matter of hours! I am totally going to use this! Love you guys!