Monday, December 17, 2007

Unbreak my heart

So, Gracie has always loved to suck. She was a total binky girl from the first time she tried one. At about 6 months there were a couple days when her binky just wasn't handy so I didn't give it to her and figured that she would survive. She did, and she began to suck her thumb. It's really cute and she is so good when we lay her down for bed- so I really hate to take away her thumb. The only thing, is that I've heard from a lot of parents that there is a window for breaking the habit and if you miss that window it gets to be really difficult.

Gracie has started to suck her thumb more and her little thumb gets red and sore. So... on Sunday we wrapped her thumb (but made Justin's dad do it). She woke up in the morning with the tape still on but has gotten quite skilled today at taking the tape off (which we put on about 3-4 different times). Tonight was the worst. She was totally crying and Justin and I felt really mean. Anyway, I know it is all for the best, but sometimes I really hate trying to be firm about things.


Unknown said...

Maggie, it's been very fun to read your blog, thanks for sharing. I've bookmarked you so I'll get all your updates now. I loved the pictures of Gracie in the cupboard: so fun! You seem so happy in your domestic life. That's awesome that you got a sewing machine! The stockings are very cute. Happy Holidays!

Carrie said...

Oh that funny little girl! If Gracie has any LeBaron blood she will figure out how to undo that tape in no time ;) How's she doing the past 2 days? I hate stuff like that to--like no more binkies and no more bottles. It's totally hard as a parent. But the thumb thing sounds way more complicated because you can't simply take it away. Good luck!!

belliesue said...

I can't believe you're such mean parents! Good Luck.