Saturday, January 5, 2008

Decision 2008

If you had asked me in the past, I would not have hailed myself as the political type. Yeah,I got wind of the candidates, and I'm proud to say that I have voted when I have been in my voting precinct, but have never been overly involved. I must say, however, that I am a changed woman and I really owe it to my husband, Justin, for being such a concerned and educated citizen.

Tonight we watched the Republican Debate with Mitt Romney, Ron Paul (Don't really know why he was on there), Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, Senator McCain, and Fred Thompson. I have to say that I'm really pulling for Mitt Romney. I'm glad that I can also say that I really like his platform and that it isn't just because we share the same religion. Anyway, Mitt had a lot of attacks tonight, almost from every side. It has been fun to follow his campaign and see his views and the questions that he is asked.

I guess that aside from my favorite candidates, I just like being better informed about this decision. I also feel a lot more involved somehow, in the future of our nation. So that's it. I'll try to keep politics mostly off of my blog, and you can still be my friend if you are a democrat or unaffiliated.


Carrie said...

I really wanted to watch that debate but only caught the news segments following up on it. I have to admit I was super skeptical about Mitt Romney as a president but I have read a lot about him and am seeing how his goals seem clear and actually productive. We shall see what happens but it is always good to be informed so props to you.

I felt that way in Nov. over the vouchers referendum. I finally did my own, unbiased research (the day before the election :) so I could make my own, informed decision--made me feel pretty cool for figuring out how I felt based on the actual facts.

Krista said...

I'm also more into this election than I've ever been. It's pretty fun to follow what's going on and have an opinion. I'm guessing Mitt will win New Hampshire this week and I'm not exactly sure who I want to be president. I need to watch more debates.

Chelsea said...

Maggie, I too feel more involved in this election than any other. I didn't give a hoot about the last election, strange how things change! I didn't see the debate, but I heard that Mitt Romney did really well. I hope Mitt Romney will go all the way!

sadie said...

Strange the things that happen as we grow up. Politics is definately an adult thing. i guess that means you're an adult now :)You're old!