I thought I would give a little update on Gracie. Her latest tricks are, climbing on everything, saying "woah" and "wow", sticking out her tongue when we ask her where it is. Gracie is also talking a lot, but it isn't super clear most the time, so I do a lot of guessing and probably give her too much credit sometimes for saying things she might not have meant to say, and not enough credit when I don't quite recognize what it is she is trying to tell me. This morning, she said "horse" (though not as clearly)while looking straight at the big spring horse that was delivered to our house yesterday by Justin's aunt. My favorite, was this morning when I helped Gracie brush her teeth and said, "Good. Now let me smell your sweet breath." Gracie breathed right by my nose. I was so surprised that I asked her the same question and she did it again. She is also getting really good at folding her arms for prayers.
So sweet.
That is my favorite age! When little people are starting to figure everything out. Walking, talking and following directions etc. I love it! Something changes though, when they can start reasoning and talking back...Enjoy this time, it's the best!
Gracie is such a doll! It is amazing how much they understand at such a small age. I am with Honey enjoy that she doesn't talk back yet. it won't be long until she will say no.
Thanks for the invite to your blog. It's always fun to read. I'm also impressed with how crafty you are! I also like spending my free time making things and my sister and I are starting to make cute vintage looking aprons. I also like to follow up on Gracie. It was fun watching her and the other babies "grow up" during our MSW program. Keep in touch.
Thanks for the invite. I was just about to email you for it. I love seeing what Gracie is up to because Abigale is doing about the same things. This age is so fun and everyday I get more surprised with what she learns. She is so cute!
That's so cute. I can't wait for Lachlan to start talking, and folding his arms for prayers. That is the cutest when they do that!
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