Monday, February 25, 2008

Almost inactive in St. George

The title of this blog entry isn't really true, although it crossed my mind several times on Sunday. First off, I'll tell you that I love being a mom and I want to teach my children the importance of going to church. That said, going to church with an active, curious, and tantrum throwing toddler can be quite harrowing. Hopefully this stage will pass. On Sunday we sat down. Gracie sat on the bench for 2 minutes tops and then started to climb down. Then she walked over to a bench across the aisle from us and tried to climb up on some nice old man's walker. Then I brought her back and she sat on the bench for 30 seconds. Then she walked out in the hall. Justin stayed there with her for a minute and brought her back. Imagine this routine continuing for all of sacrament meeting. I've heard of parents just not letting their kids down if they go out in the hall, but Gracie screams bloody murder.

Anyway, I know that some smart and experienced moms read my blog and I would LOVE to hear how you get through church with a little toddler around.


Carrie said...

Well, I am learning that an older sibling who sits still and stays quiet can work wonders on influencing a busy little toddler :) But, I know that's not helpful for you...yet ;) We have consigned ourselves to a Sunday backpack that has snacks, books, coloring books, stickers and other "quiet" activities that we only use at church. A special book they love is one we made of all their family members and we go through it and remember the names of each cousin, aunt and uncle and grandma and grandpa (usually the pics have Cares or Beans with that relative to reinforce the memories together). Basically, my kids do really well but only with the constant "entertainment." You've probably tried all that with Gracie
and if so, just know we have all had those weeks where it felt pointless to even be at church because our little ones were so busy and kept us in the halls! Sorry for such an epic comment...:)

Chelsea said...

Last sunday I brought snacks! Lachlan just sat there and ate his snacks and drank his juice like half way through, and it kept him still for a little while. But I'm needing advice too because all he wants to do is get down and ROAM around! Good luck!

phyllip/shalyse said...

Hang in there...nursery is the best! Of course, then they go to nursery and you miss having to chase them all around. They grow way too fast!

Martha said...

That is definitely my question every Sunday. We have lucked out in that Marian still can sleep in her baby car seat so we take that church and generally she'll nap for an hour or so. Then I try food. After that, I don't know. And I still have five months till nursery!

Jill Wittwer said...

I think that Hunter is horrible, but then some Sundays he is really good. We tried sitting on a bench so that we could trap him in, but that really didn't work that well. I got a bunch of magnets, and we sit in the back on the hard chairs, so then he can put the magnets all over them! It seems to work pretty well! Worth a try?

Camie said...

I think thats all you can do is try and "get through it." My mom has always said that once you have kids for about 15 years you go to church for them and not for youself....I have found this to be so true. Hang in there!

belliesue said...

All I have to say is marshmallows and GOOD LUCK!

Bekah said...

I wish there was an easy cure to this problem! We still really struggle with Nick, and he's a year older than Gracie! All I can do is echo the others...snacks and quiet activities. Good luck!