Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zum Geburtstag

Today is a tribute to my "little" bro Tommy. Tom is just two years behind me so we've done a lot of things at about the same time. He left on his mission two months after I did to go the other side of Germany (he was in the Berlin mission and I was in the Frankfurt mission). Tom also got married two months after I did. Tom has the biggest heart in the world and reminds me of a big teddy bear. He is always really great with kids and pretends to be the mean uncle, which all of the kids love. Tom also has a really tender heart and has always reached out to others and loves animals.
Some of my favorite memories of Tom include driving to and from school in the Gold Truck, singing at Carnegie Hall, sending and receiving letters from each other in Germany, and of course, seeing him get married to Jessica, his fabulous and darling wife. Happy Birthday. We love you.


Chelsea said...

Those are sweet thoughts to your brother!

Josh said...

I just finished reading your post and had to call my husband to see if he knew your brother, as my husband also served in Berlin. Turns out my husband does know your brother and told me a brief story involving a toenail...I guess it goes to show how small the world is, especially among Mormons! Hope all is well!

Krista said...

mag where are you? Are you just enjoying the beautiful weather down there?