Thursday, February 21, 2008

Parade of Homes

This week I've had a lot of fun going with my hubby to see some homes in the parade of homes here in St. George. I love seeing the gorgeous homes and dreaming of my future dream house. On second thought, maybe it will always be my "dream" house because I'm too good at dreaming up expensive things that would be "so nice" to have. For me, it feels a little bit like window shopping- I get enough of a fix sometimes just knowing the nice things that are out there- even if I don't get to enjoy them all.

I was going to include a list of the details I love most in the homes, but the list would be long and probably obvious- Of course we would all love a kitchen with the works, crafting room, master suite, exercise room, pool, and my biggest wish, a casita (I'm not even really sure why). Ahhh. I heart home shows.


Charisse said...

Holy Cow! Those houses are huge! That would be a lot of rooms to clean and bathrooms! But people that can afford houses like that probably have cleaning companies! Wow!

Krista said...

oh my parents and brothers went to that too. They said the houses were Amazing. I'm jealous that you were there too.

Honey said...

I've never been to a parade of homes, I think that would be a lot of fun. Get some good ideas. Beautiful homes!

belliesue said...

Since we've started looking at more houses online for places we may go, I've decided it's a good idea for me not to look too closely at my dream homes right now:) Will's quite bummed that the dream home is not yet in our budget.

Camie said...

I love the parade of homes...its like a party!