Monday, February 18, 2008

Princess Paradise

I made a whirlwind trip to see my family and attend a very special princess party for my two two-year old nieces. It was tons of fun and Gracie officially loved being a princess. We even lucked out and had some princes in attendance. So cute. My sis-in-law, Luci, made the awesome prince costumes.
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Jill Wittwer said...

I love the princess pics! All of the costumes are so adorable. I think this age is so much fun!

Honey said...

What a great idea! How fun for all the princesses.

Krista said...

I like that pic idea. I tried to do it once but I couldn't figure it out. how did you do it?
It was so fun to see you up here. I'm glad you came up with Gracie. I'm getting excited for the sister's retreat.

Charisse said...

Cute party! I can't wait for Ashley to get older and have princess parties, Gracie looks like she loved it!

sadie said...

hey maggie,
J.T.'s conversation with the guy was pretyt much like theone i had on the phone.
i'm here to pick up my wife's ring.
but it's not done.
the end.
nothing too hairy or mean.
but i'm happy to be wearing my ring, and it's in one piece. :)

Camie said...

oh my goodness...drew is in love with the disney princesses. How fun!

Tiffany said...

That's so cute! Makenzie haven't quite caught on to the whole princess things yet. She is still doing her best to mimic mommy.