So, I realize I already posted about church this week, but I've just been dying to share something that someone said to me. I took Gracie with me into the library with me to return my chalk/ crayons from primary. The people behind the counter took one look at her and said, "Oh, there's no taking her in the sun" I responded, "Yeah, she's pretty fair" to which they responded, "Yeah, I guess there's no taking you in the sun either!"
Sad. How am I so white that people can say such a thing and totally get away with it? While we were talking, I didn't think much of it, but afterwards I thought, "Ouch, that's kinda mean". Oh well, if you know me then you aren't surprised that I would encounter comments about my pasty white skin. Justin got a big kick out of this too. Woe is me, bring on the self tanner or the pocahontas colored nylons.
no mags, no worries. I'm a white girl too. But when all those crazy tanners are all cancerous because they've tanned too much then what are they going to say? That's funny though. I came back from my trip with just a tiny bit of sun on my face. For some reason the sun got through my 45 sunscreen!
Don't worry. Dave and I say that we look white as glue. And the older I get the older I don't care. At least we won't get skin cancer. Right?
But it's March. We're all supposed to be pasty white. Right?
I have had so many people comment on how white Eric and I are and our kids, that it doesn't even phase me anymore. Eric has been told he is white like Silas on Davinci Code, we got a kick out of that. A lady in my ward said about Blake, "Wow you did a good job putting sucnscreen on him last summer, he is so white!" Eric's mom even said "I have learned with your kids not to use my flash on my camera because it makes them look too white." Gee thanks. Take it like a grain of salt. Sun exposure is what makes people look old and wrinkled. When I was watching the Oscars they said fair skin is in. Sweet for us!!
I agree with the person at church... you live in St. George, therefore you should always be a golden goddess. Oh wait, it is winter there too! Sorry that your feelings were hurt because they were probably just jealous of your porcelain doll-like skin and thinking to themselves that they wish they had stayed out of the sun. As for the Pocahontas nylons... I am mad at you!
you didn't say, "At least I can use self tanner, but there's no cure for your crappy attitude!" ? That will show them. Just kidding. White is wonderful.
Ah Mags... Remember when we would go to Jen's Mom's friend's pool the first warm day of spring to try to get a tan. We would lay out all day and either get absolutley nothing or burned! Ha! No worries about the mean Librarian. You are beautiful!
Maggie, you can't possibly be whiter than me! I haven't ever thought of you as a pasty white person. Let me tell you a nice comment I received at my parents ward a few weeks old neighbor came up to me and said, "Are you pregnant, or have you just gained weight?" I'm not pregnant so my mouth dropped open and I just said, "Well, I'm not pregnant so I must have gained weight. Thanks for bringing that to my attention!" Some people just don't get it.
Flori--pulling out the classic LeBaron sauciness! Mag--I am sorry that people are rude and just say dumb things. I can totally get worked up about little comments too so I am with you there--sometimes we all just need to vent and then feel better--yay for blogs!
PS--my Beans gets lots of those pale comments too. We just come from solid Scandinavian stock!!
Gosh some people don't think before they speak! That would have offended me too. I think it's almost better to be pasty white and not have skin damage now. I certainly think that way now that I'm older too.
Tis the life. Every time I see Grandma Gardner she tells me I look like I've seen a ghost and wonders if I'm feeling okay. I'm used to it now, but I think it's funny coming from someone who is always making sure you have a hat on.
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