Monday, March 17, 2008

Sew Fun!

This last weekend was a total blast. My sisters, sisters-in-law, and my mom all came to St. George for a sewing/crafting retreat. Many of us are new seamstresses and there are a few profis (professionals) among us. It was fun to learn, and to see all of the cute and creative things that everyone was doing.

We ate yummy food, laughed, fought over the iron, and did a lot of sewing. I would highly recommend this to anyone. We had a great time and we all learned together. We made fun hair clips, got lovely pedicures (from an anonymous donor), and we made bags, aprons, and little girl skirts.
The Smith's (Carrie's parents) generously let us use their nice home and a special thanks to everyone who came and made it a huge hit.
P.S. I'm sure I'll have more pics later. I just stole mine from Krista.


Charisse said...

That looks like it was so much fun! How nice that they all came to St. George and you didn't have to travel. You all look so great!

Honey said...

I need a weekend like that!! What a great idea and how nice to be all together - I love it!

MBurt said...

Looks like it was a super success. We will most likely be coming down sometime Wednesday. See you then!

Jen and Ty said...

You have the cutest family! I wish I had six darling sisters to hang out with! I will definitely have to get tips from you because I am far from ever becoming a profi frau!

Chelsea said...

I'm jealous! I would love to have a fun get-together like that! You guys made some cute things!

Krista said...

thanks mag for putting this idea together in the first place! You are becoming a profi yourself.

The Bish Fam said...

You guys are so do you get adopted into your fam? So fun!

Josh said...

Hooray for sisters! And moms! And crafts! I am very impressed with your many talents. Looks like fun!