Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Gracie's first game of Tag

8 things about Gracie
1) If I had to choose one word to describe Gracie it would have to be Busy. Gracie is always getting into just about anything. Lately, it has been climbing on tables, dumping out flour, emptying the tupperware cupboard and stealing things off of the counter (one day she took Justin's check from work and hid it in a cupboard we don't use very often- sneaky, sneaky).

2) More than anything or anyone in the world, Gracie loves her thumb!
That's right friends, the casts are gone and thumb is back. Did I mention how peacefully we've all been sleeping?

3) If Gracie could have her way, she would do nothing but eat candy and run away from Mom all day long OR stay in mom's arms all day long so I won't miss anything she's doing. :)

4)Gracie has picked up a new habit of picking at her toes (like a monkey would groom). It's pretty funny and we think it's cute. She also picks her lips.

5) Gracie loves things that are mint flavored and tries to steal toothpaste, breath mints, and I even caught her one day chewing on a whole roll of mint flavored floss. I guess she's obsessed with having good breath. Oh... she also has a radar for cough drops and tries to eat them every time we go to Justin's parent's house.

6) Gracie loves attention. I know it's totally weird,my daughter loves an audience to ham it up for. It's really out of the blue- we're not sure where she got this from. Oh, she also likes an audience for her temper tantrums at: the grocery store, church, grandma's house, and the park. Can you blame her?

7) Gracie is a skinny minny. She is 17 months and weighed in at 18 lbs at her last doctor's appointment. People can't believe it when I tell them that she still fits many of her 3-6 month onesies.

8) Gracie loves animals. She loves going to see the horses and cows and also loves to point at any animal that she sees- dogs, cats, jackrabbits, etc. She is becoming quite talented at riding horses. Gracie's new word yesterday was "Buddy" (the name of the miniature horse shown above).


Honey said...

She is so cute!

Charisse said...

I am so glad that you have a skinny minny daughter too. Ashley is THE pickiest eater! Just last week at the doctor she weighed 18 pounds too. Gracie is such a doll!

Carrie said...

I love that Gracie just loves her thumb and being such a sweet sleeper now that she can have it during the night ;) She is such a pint sized doll!! I think we need to play with her at least a dozen times before you guys move away so let's get some road trips planned -k-? :)

Krista said...

cute gracie. I can't believe she is the same weight as Kai! I also am laughing about the thumb! What do you do? You definatly tried Mags, way harder than I think I would have tried. I love that she's such a ham too. Of course she got that from you!

Erin said...

She sounds like such a cutie. We need to get Ethan and her together before you move.

Chelsea said...

She is going to be a cowgirl!!