Incident #1: Sunday morning, I was getting Gracie ready for church. We were already running a little late. I went to put on Gracie's shoes. First I tried some pink Sunday shoes. "NO". Then I tried a pair of black sunday shoes. "NO". I started to get every pair that even resembled church shoes and she refused. The only shoes she wanted were her pink Crocs. I put them on, decided they were too tacky with her sunday dress, and then took them off and put on her pink sunday shoes. She cried really hard for 10 minutes while I gathered up the rest of my things. So... I gave in. I know I shouldn't have given in, but she was sick and I didn't want her to have another reason to be sad.
Incident #2: This morning. I gave Gracie a bath and then got her dressed. She kept pulling at her shirt and screaming, so I took it off, wondering if it was itching her or something. I found out just a moment later that she just didn't want to wear a shirt. So, I let her wander around for about half an hour without a shirt and then she let me put one on.
Incident #3: Not eating. Gracie has been a little sick, but she hasn't eaten anything substantial in about 3 days now. I know I shouldn't worry, but I sometimes wish I could force her to eat something.
What do your independent children do, or what did you do as a child to state your independence?
I love it! Talmage is already expressing his opinion about differnt things. You are a good mom. Remember, don't sweat the small stuff. Crocs at church are fine, she won't starve to death, and shirtless... well don't we all wish we could go shirtless every once in awhile! :) Love ya girl! I posted about my race. I loved it!
Let me tell you how excited I am for Marian to reach that stage! She's already fighting me on some things (eating by herself). I think you are a great mom and will definitely be calling you for advice!
Gracie and Cares must be the same age!! I have very little patience with Caresie's opinionated fits but I am learning to just let things go unless they are big rules at our house. It's so hard when we are in a rush and then she falls apart (like your church shoes incident...) It will pass...I hope!
I am glad I am not the only one going through daily battles with my children. I have no clue what to do. I give in alot too. Don't feel bad. These are the types of things we can share at their weddings!
Some battle are just not worth it to me, and I give in a lot more than I should. But, I've found that giving options (1-3 choices) help. You can choose the options and then Gracie will still feel like she's making her own decision. It seems to work for us. Good luck!!
hmm. what do we NOT battle at our house!! Lunch and dinner are please EAT SOMETHING! jammies, "show", or brushing teeth. It all comes down to if she does it then she can do something fun's hard to do this day after day though. I hope it passes.
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