Isn't it funny that I never owned a flat iron or any kind of hair straightener in my life until I went to college. I guess that most of us probably didn't. That is why it is such a shock to me that I really feel I can't live without one. Last week my flat iron died. The light turns on but it won't heat up. So... I thought I'd try a few days without it. Hated it. I'm off to get my new flat iron today.
Funny what we feel we cannot live without. Here are a few more things that I haven't always had around that I don't think I could live without.
1) My cell phone (disgusting, I know)
2)baby wipes (They are just super handy for everything)
3)the internet (I don't have it at my house, but I still have occasional access to it)
I started to make a list of the other things I wouldn't like to live without but it got ridiculous because I didn't know where to stop. Of course, I really probably could live without some of my necessary items if I needed to. Anyway, I just feel really blessed to have so many nice things to help make my life more comfortable. What would you hate to live without?
I have definitely learned to live the "simple life" here in HK. I am so excited to go home to my cell phone and oven (brownies!!) and apartment with bedrooms!
OK--this will sound way nerdy but I really am kind of married to my computer so I would HATE to be without it. What I know I really just can't live without would be hugs and giggles and tender moments with my children. I love to get away for a few hours here and then but when I am gone for more than a day I just ache for contact with their little bodies. We're lucky to be moms!
I would feel the same way! Sad the things we think we need!
I can't live without my treadmill, Ipod, and hand sanitizer. I am a definite germaphobe!
This is not meant to be a sob story but I can't live without my power chair. It broke on Tuesday so now people have to push me everywhere! Living without my chair has made me SO grateful for it. Don't worry, it's getting fixed!
I think my list is quite similar to wipes...a must!
Hey, I just decided you can't move to Colorado, it's too far away. Are you going to be up this way anytime soon. Do I get to see you before you leave? I feel stressed!
The straight iron is a definite must. I look at pictures from high school and am embarressed at how BIG and frizzy my hair was, even though I thought it was straight. But now that I live in Iowa with the humidity I am back to my frizzy hair. These days I can't live without chocolate. Don't know what it is but I crave it all day long ever since I had Cambri. Miss you!
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