"You say tomato, I say tomahtoe..." I love that song, but don't you think that's sometimes awkward? We have really nice neighbors who invited us over for dinner. We had a great time. The husband is from Missouri and the I think the wife is from Michigan. Anyway, the husband was telling me how he lived in Utah for a little while working at All-ta ski resort. (*time out* did he just say All-ta? Everyone in Utah calls it Alta... including me).
This is a situation where you don't want to make a big deal about the pronunciation but you also don't feel comfortable using their pronunciation so you both just continue the conversation using different pronunciations. I personally think it feels a little weird, almost like you're correcting each other.
Other examples of this are when people say
Ont instead of Ant (aunt)
ahmen instead of aymen (amen)
Colorahdo instead of Colorado
You get the picture.
To tell the truth, I think that the way people from the East speak sounds more sophisticated but I can't quite adopt it. Sometimes I do cave in and say Ahmen if the person saying the prayer said it. What do or do you not pronounce differently to fit in, or what new and different words do you find people around you using?
I love you Mags! Thanks for always making me laugh. I am glad I finally got to see where you are living and it looks darling. Are you planning on posting your recipe for those amazing bars you brought to the Miner's BBQ? I have been dying to eat them ever since (so it's probably a good thing I don't have the recipe yet!)
The thing that drives me nuts is when people call the Ensign, the Ensun. The proper pronunciation is labeled in the magazine! It drives me nuts!
I confess I picked up saying "ont" after living on the East Coast. I think it sounds better than the flat "A," but no one in my family says it that way, and they all laugh at me.
While we were in Outer Banks we stayed in Corolla. I assumed you pronounced in like the car Corolla. But my brother-in-law told me that out there they pronounce it "Cor-all-a." Whatever. I think that happens a lot in Sunday School with Book of Mormon names, i.e. Zeezrom. The pronunciation guide says it is Zee-ez-rum, but lots of people say zeez-rum. I love that you took time to blog about it!
K this is really funny...very awkward though.
banquet.... I say baynquet.. people say banquet and it bothers me.
ha! I love this post. maybe I'll have to write about words that bother me.. like "foward" (forward without saying the R) and "acrossed" (not even a word, its just across yet people say it with the 'ed')
that's funny mags. You look great prego and I'm glad you are keeping us updated. I'm guessing you will have another girl but that's just a guess.
...or you could just leave all that East/West behind and adopt "Suthuhn", where hardly nuthin ain't recognizable. And don't forget tot throw in a "honey" and "y'all". We're still learning the local dialect. :)
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