Thursday, August 14, 2008

My little helper

This is Gracie "helping" me in the kitchen. She is such a cutie and always says, "I want see" when I am cooking things. She also insists on wearing an apron every time I do (which I've been doing more now that my belly is starting to poke out more). The last month has been really fun to watch Gracie as her vocabulary has grown tremendously, and then as she has started to put sentences together. She can repeat most words and we love that she can communicate (minus all of her "I don't want it"s).

Gracie's favorite drink is noke (milk). She hates to be caught without her blanket, and we think that she might one day become an Olympic gymnast. She loves candy and is better than I am at finding it.


Carrie said...

She is so cute! I bet she is tons of "help" in the kitchen--just like my kids are... I just love that blondie blonde little head of hers :)

CNeilson said...

I love it!

Dave and Andrea said...

It is so nice to hear you made it safe to Colorado. It looks like you are having a great time already!

Mariposa said...

that's cute that gracie likes to wear and apron. tillie always freaks out if I have one on, like i'm wearing a scary mask or something. I have NO idea why she hates it. she literally breaks down in tears when she sees me with one on. whatever.

i like it that gracie calls milk "noke" too. it's especially endearing when they start preferring "chocate noke" over regular "noke". not.

Amy Wittwer said...

Hey we miss you guys already! Your new place looks nice and it looks like you guys are having fun already! I am glad you are back in the blogging world so we can see what you've been up to!

Tiffany said...

How cute! Makenzie loves helping out in the kitchen and wearing aprons too! It must be a girl thing.

MBurt said...

Finally some blogging. I have been checking for pics of the place, and if you made it. I know you called me the other day. Sorry I haven't called you back. I am glad you are there and enjoying it. I loved all the stuff you blogged about. It makes me feel involved.

Krista said...

cute pic mags. thanks for sending those over. I'm glad we got a good update from you guys now. I've been asking your mom all the time how you've been doing.

Martha said...

It's fun to read your updates! Definitely not boring--keep 'em coming!

Charisse said...

Gracie is adorable!