Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I went to the Doctor today. I got to take the awesome glucose test. My sugar drink was lemon lime flavored which was way better than I remember my orange drink tasting- but still not that yummy. The good news is that my glucose levels are great, the baby is still growing, and they said everything looks good. Above is the obvious pic of my ever growing belly at 25 weeks.

Gracie wanted to be like me and get a picture by the door.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Best Mommy Ever

No, It isn't me- even though I am pretty cool. Gracie has become the best little mommy lately and is starting to shine through as the ultimate girl. Often, she puts her beautiful Sunday shoes on first thing in the morning. Justin and I think she must dream of them all night long.

We went on a walk the other day, and before I knew it Gracie was taking every baby that she owned. It was like the no baby left behind act. For the long walk that we took, I was surprised to only lose one baby one time.

This is what the next day brought. I helped her situate the babies so they wouldn't fall out, but it was all her idea.
Just thought this would be a great Crispix ad (even though you can't really see the box). I sometimes let Gracie sit up on the counter while I cook because she just really loves to "help". That said, I think she's getting a little too comfortable up there. Yesterday she was just lounging up there. My cute silly girl.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Justin has his first test for veterinary school this week. He's planning on taking the test later today. The test is online and open for a few days but is closed book. Last night two of Justin's classmates came up and were telling him that the test wasn't really that bad. They were saying things like "Yeah, there were only a couple of answers I couldn't find in the book."

Apparently they didn't get the message about the test NOT being open book. But hey, at least they did AWESOME on the test. :) (In their defense, I can't imagine that they would knowingly cheat and then be so open about looking in the book, so I think it was probably an honest mistake...maybe). Anyway, we thought it was funny.

Good luck on your test, Justin!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm a big girl now...

Well, for those of you who saw pictures of our place here, you may recognize that this isn't exactly what Gracie's room looks like. But... the thing that is the same is that Gracie has a bed now- not a crib. It has been fun to watch her make the adjustment this weekend. She has been sleeping well at night, though her naps still have something to be desired. We are really proud of her for doing so well with the adjustment (Kind of scary to go to sleep all by yourself).

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Gracie's latest

Gracie is getting really good at saying "cheese" for the camera. In fact, she was so good at being cheesy that the photographer at church tried to catch her off guard when taking our family picture for the ward photo directory.

This is Gracie after falling in the mud in our yard. She was pretty grossed out but was happy when she got to take a bath. This pic was before I handed her muddy doll back to her but I'm too lazy to go back and put the other on. A few days after this she sat down in manuer. Yuck- good thing Justin was home to change her :)

Justin's biggest fan (besides me, of course). Last night she was sitting so still on that cinder block watching Justin work with Chip (the horse). She likes to carry around the lead rope and does everything she can think of to "help".

The "cheese" I got when Gracie noticed I had the camera.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I feel like I am pretty accepting of DIFFERENT. I was, after all, the VP of the drama club in high school. I will say, however, that the last few days I have been baffled by the odd people (or at least the odd behavior) I have seen around town and in my neighborhood. Yesterday I was going to the fabric store with Gracie and saw some guy riding a bike that was two bikes stacked on top of each other. Maybe he was headed to a circus or bike club, but to me it looked like he was headed to 7-11 for a slurpee. I couldn't help thinking as I watched him, what if you fall? How do you get off that thing? How do you get ON that thing? I guess that for some people a normal bike just isn't enough.

On Saturday there was a "tour de fat" and all sorts of people were dressed up in weird outfits and costumes. They rode to a local brewery that had a band playing and some other activities. We didn't know what was going on until later but I was surprised to see a man hopping into his car that morning with a rapunzel wig. Honestly, my first thought was... , "I wonder if that is the cross dresser that Justin saw at the DMV when he was getting his Colorado license?". That same day I saw stilt walkers, lots of Dr. Seuss type hats and other people who looked like they maybe belonged to the circus.

Well, now that I've blogged about this I feel a bit like I did yesterday and this weekend. I'm at a loss for words.

*Note: I'm really sorry if my judgements about the circus and weird people are offensive to anyone. I'm sure these people are really nice,

Friday, September 5, 2008

The verdict...

Well, we went in for the ultrasound today. They tell you to drink 4 8oz glasses of water in the hour before you come. I think I must have a mom brain today because in the stress to drink enough water, I accidentally doubled the dose. What was I thinking? No wonder I felt like I was going to throw up (I drank 8 8oz glasses of water in less than 15 minutes).

Anyway, after a long wait we finally got into the ultrasound room. The technician said that everything looks great. She said that the baby is measuring at 21 weeks and 1 day, so pretty much right on with my original due date. About the gender, she said she's 100% sure that we'll be having a BOY!! We are thrilled and I'm already thinking of all the cute little boy things that we can make for him. It is kind of crazy to think of entering this entirely different world of little boys. We can't wait though. I'd scan a picture of the "I'm a boy" ultrasound, but it was a little graphic. The baby was also too big now to fit in just one picture.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My guess

In light of tomorrow's ultrasound, I thought it would be fun to put in my last guess. I really have no idea. I'll be thrilled with either, but think it is a boy. My friend had a funny theory yesterday though. I told her how emotional I've been (crying at stupid songs on the radio) and she thinks that I might be having a girl and so all of my girly emotions are being increased. I guess we shall see. I've already been suckered into a few really cute boy outfits and a few really cute girl outfits.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What's up, Doc?

Well, I went to the doctor today for the first time since I've been in Colorado. The baby had a nice strong heart beat and they said that I'm measuring closer to 22 weeks than 21. It will be interesting to see what the ultrasound says about the baby's size and of course, the gender. I'm scheduled to get my ultrasound this coming Friday afternoon.