Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What's up, Doc?

Well, I went to the doctor today for the first time since I've been in Colorado. The baby had a nice strong heart beat and they said that I'm measuring closer to 22 weeks than 21. It will be interesting to see what the ultrasound says about the baby's size and of course, the gender. I'm scheduled to get my ultrasound this coming Friday afternoon.


Honey said...

Those ultrasounds are so exciting - can't wait to find out!

Krista said...

okay...so my guess is it will be a girl. I'm excited to hear!!

Carrie said...

So fun--I am getting excited already!

Flori said...

I think it's a girl too and I can't wait because I'm going to make her something precious!!

Charisse said...

How exciting to jump a week. When I was pregnant with Ashley it took them three ultrasounds to figure out my due date. She ended up being 9 days early; it was awesome! You will have to post when you find out!

Jill Wittwer said...

I am excited to find out what you are having. My guess is another girl, just to keep up with the trend of the rest of our friends! Good luck, let us know!

Amy Wittwer said...

Okay I guess girl too-and I give you my permission to name her Amy! Ha ha! Just Kidding!