Monday, October 6, 2008

Cherishing the Journey really loved Conference this weekend and especially President Monson's talk about change and enjoying the journey because things change so quickly. I love where I am in life- but feel like sometimes the things that bring me the greatest joy, also make my life seem most frustrating at times. I just had an awesome 45 minute battle with Gracie to get her down for her nap. It is easy sometimes to wish away the hours until I can put Gracie down for bed, or wish away being students to the day when my husband has a career, or wish away the time we are spending away from our families, or any number of things.

I hope that I can cherish these moments while they last, and enjoy the opportunities and experiences that life only offers once. This is what I am going to do to cherish my journey today.

1)Make dinner early and meet Justin on campus so we can eat together and Gracie can see him before she goes to bed (he has a class from 5:30-9:30)
2) Read more books to Gracie when she wakes up
3) Make some homemade play dough tonight or do some kind of a craft/art project with Gracie
4) Clean my house
5) Find a way to strengthen a friendship I have here in Colorado to build up my home away from home.
6) Take at least one picture today

What do you do to enjoy the journey?


CNeilson said...

I love your thoughts Maggie . . . To answer your question: My way of enjoying the journey lately is to just think of what I have been able to accomplish and do each day instead of worry about what I didn't get done. I feel better and I think I actually get more done the next day without the negative thoughts.

Carrie said...

To enjoy the journey, I am learning to laugh more--especially when it comes to parenting. Last night, Bentley was a chatter box as we laid in his bed in the dark trying to be calm and fall asleep. I had already asked him like 5 times to stop talking and just close his eyes and he suddenly whipped out another random question--this one about why Tuesdays come after Mondays--and I just started laughing instead of getting all frustrated. Now, that doesn't always happen but I am trying to relax more and feel happy instead of being so focused on schedules and being the "in charge" mom I want to be :)

Honey said...

I loved that talk too and felt it was just for me. I've decided to put some vinyl above my front door that says 'find joy in the journey'. Too often I forget.

Sorensen Family said...

That is a really great idea. I work good from lists so this is something I could do easily right before I go to bed! you are such a great girl! Thanks for inviting me to your blog, I love it!

Charisse said...

I loved this talk too. To enjoy the journey more I will not freak out when my kids make messes. They can easily be cleaned up!

Mariposa said...

my joy is to realize that even though i feel so tubby, I actually have a strong and functional body. I can swing my daughter around, dance in the kitchen with my husband and do a mean cartwheel if the weather is just right....

so long turbo jam...

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great entry, Maggie. I take "days off" every once in awhile, more often now that I'm pregnant. :) Yesterday I was gone for eight hours, so today I stayed home almost the whole day, cleaned, and got my life more under control. Ahhhh, feels good to take it easy.

Tiffany said...

That was such a great talk. I agree that we all need to cherish the journey more, especially as moms when we get caught up in the day-to-day stuff.