Friday, October 10, 2008

Motherly Advice

I've just been wondering if you moms out there have set an age limit on sippy cups and what it was/is. I'd also like to know if you have any sippy cup rules (only in the car, no milk in sippy cups,etc.). Oh, and are the terrible twos real and do they ever start early? :)


Unknown said...

No sippy cup comments, but Kjersten was not much fun this past week. She's back to our sweet girl today, but this past week she was crying and being difficult about a lot of things. So frustrating! Jonas and I think she was hurting somewhere from growth, but she's not able to verbalize that well yet. Also, I'm trying my best to not think of it as the terrible twos. My assumption is that children being to want things their way, since they understand their world more than ever. We just say it's terrible at two because we haven't adjusted to their having an opinion yet. We'll be dealing with tantrums through the teenage years; it's just different at this age. The end of my postulating.

Mariposa said...

i've changed what sippy cups i let tillie have. she LOVED the nuby cups, but, apart from being totally worthless and cheap, they acted more like a bottle instead of a cup. I bought two "sippy" cups that are for her specific age and she really only uses them if we're traveling in the car. She is starting to love "big girl" cups now, where I give her a cup w/o a lid and only put about an inch of liquid in there at a time. It was hard at first and I've dealt with a lot of spills, but she is getting better and better at it and i find that she doesn't ask for her "baba" as much any more. baby steps...

Mariposa said...

oh yeah...about the terrible twos....I think tillie was WAY worse around 20 months than she has been now at two. she IS, however, finally starting to perfect the tantrum. It actually sort of freaks me out. Your friend shauna had some good thoughts. ok...gotta go. love you!

Sorensen Family said...

Landon's dentist said he should start to get off of sippy cups. I think this may be for the foration of teeth? He also said milk and juce at meal time, and water the rest of the day. I thought Landon was hitting the terrable two's at one!

belliesue said...

I know sippy cups are suppose to be avoided because of dental issues. But, if it has water in it and it's not used all of the time, I see no harm in saving yourself having to clean up a mess that could have been prevented by using a sippy.

One pet peeve of mine--leaky milk sippy cups!

Carrie said...

We still use sippy cups or cups with lids for meals and then Cares gets to have a leak-proof one with some water in it to take to bed. I only do milk or juice at meal times and the rest of the day--water (way easier to clean up too.)

I just think 2 is a crazy age because kids get so opinionated and want to test limits. Cares tells me "no Mama!" all the time lately but she looses privileges (usually songs or stories before bedtime) if she repeats it after I warn her against being rude. Sometimes it works--sometimes it doesn't. I am sure kids can start being naughty earlier than 2--seems to relate to how well they can communicate their needs and how well they can understand us as parents (less communication=more frustration and tantrums)

CNeilson said...

I found that once I got rid of the sippy cups, most of the tantrums left too. It's as if they figure out that they are not babies anymore and can't just cry to get what they want. (I still give in every now and again, but pay for it the next few days after) My kids started to sleep better once they didn't have sippy cups too. :)