Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My love hate relationship

What is it with, you ask? SURPRISES!!!
Every year that I can remember, my nanny (paternal grandmother) would call my sister Mary and me into her room and show us what she was going to give us for Christmas. Christmas was always a long ways away, but I think she just had a really hard time keeping all of those surprises to herself. I remember always loving the gifts- usually awesome things like bracelet watches from the home shopping channel, jewelry, or other amazing little treasures. Anyway, I've found that I suffer from the same problem (not the home shopping channel problem). I can hardly stand waiting until Christmas to give away the treasures I have found or have been making.

On the other hand, I really like being surprised and think it is sometimes sad when you already know everything that is coming to you for Christmas. So... I've decided to stay strong. No posting pictures on my craft blog, no hints, and for sneak peaks. But just out of curiosity- who is really good at surprising people? Does the suspense overwhelm you, like it does me? Christmas is over a month away and I can't believe I'm already having this conversation (is it a conversation if it's a blog post?).

P.S. I do want to clarify though, that I'm really only bad at keeping my own surprises a surprise (please don't take me off the invitation list to all surprise parties).


Jill Wittwer said...

I am totally the same way! I want to know everything, but I love when people suprise me. Man it's a real curse!

Honey said...

I am the same way too - especially with Ryan. Poor guy. I must make it so unfun for him telling him his gifts. It's just too hard to wait!

MBurt said...

Help! I need to pick your brain for a fun gift idea I can make for my sister-in-law Michelle. I want to come up with something she will love, not just something I am capable of doing. We are doing homemade gifts this year. (my idea). I am excited but stressed. Needing you! Love surprises by the way. Hate knowing what I am giving. I can stay strong.

Krista said...

yeah, I don't love being for a birthday party surprise I mean, but yet it was kind of fun too. I definitely like to be surprised for x-mas stuff though. I can't wait to hear about your crafts. Just blog them and put them in saved drafts so we can see them after xmas.

Unknown said...

I like to be surprised and to surprise people. My husband is not so good at surprising me or keeping his gift secrets. He is just bursting to tell!

Sorensen Family said...

How pathetic am I? I already have up my Christmas village! Oh well.

Camie said...

AW! I hate waiting to give surprises. Giving a gift to someone is one of the best things and I have the HARDEST time holding back. I am so glad its not only me.

Charisse said...

I am horrible at keeping gifts a secret too. Especially when you know the person is going to love it.