Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Yesterday, we were lucky to have Justin around most of the day while he studied for a test. I'm proud to say that I was even pretty good about actually letting him study and not trying to get him to stop and play or making him pay attention to me :). Gracie did a pretty good job too, but did like climbing up onto Justin's lap. It was cute to hear her study Immunology with Justin:
J: Can you say subcutaneous?
G: Subcutaneous
J: Red Blood Cells
G: Wed bud sows

I guess I need to brush up on my immunology because I can't remember any of the other words he asked her to repeat. There is something totally sweet and unnatural about hearing a two year old say words that they should not know yet (don't worry, we've been holding off on the swear words). Anyway, we love Justin and try to soak up the moments that he is at home.


Bobby said...

Haha, that's awesome! Gracie's super cute. I guess the word for that is 'supercute-aneous?' I think when I was pretty young I learned some words that little kids shouldn't know (again, not swear words), such as ingredients on the side of the cereal box. One time when I was at John and Lisa's I started reading the ingredients, like riboflavin, and high-fructose infused corn puffs, or whatever else they have. It was after I went home that Lisa asked John if he thought their kids were dumb, because they couldn't read the side of the cereal box. Don't worry Lisa, I was just weird.

Unknown said...

That picture is so cute! Man, Gracie is way ahead of Kjersten, reading all those deep books and saying big, hard words.

Tyler said...

That's funny. She is getting so big! And so smart if she knows what subcute....however you say it is.

Erin Wittwer

Suz said...

Man I miss you both so much! Glad you got to spend some time with Justin. Unfortunately I am the one who is working and gone all the time so Paul is happy when I am home at a normal time and spend time with him! Love you all!

Charisse said...

I know how it is with a husband in school, you want to enjoy every minute that they are at home.

Camie said...

Dad time is always precious time!

Honey said...

Darling picture! So fun to have Dad home.

Krista said...

so cute. we're excited to see you guys so soon!

Meg said...

Mags, I want to comment about the whole hanging out and playing nintendo...I so wish we could. Although life is good, I do miss the days of Ricks College. Remember how good we were at Mad Gab?

I will post my Christmas pics soon. I am still working on some of the decor. And if you get any ideas please share.

How is your belly. I want pics.

wilsmex said...

I'm just surprised Justing was actually studying. Wait, no I'm not, he was the one that actually got me to go to class!

Try for Jan. 11 Mag, I hear it is a real good day.

Tiffany said...

That's cute! And it is hard to have the hubby around without asking him to do stuff or spend time with the family.