Last night the wind blew like crazy ALL NIGHT LONG. Gracie woke up once scared and I can't tell you how surprised she was when I told her the sound was the wind. It was so cute to see how quickly she closed her eyes and went back to sleep once she could identify the sounds she was hearing. It was less cute when she woke up again before 6am and wanted to come into our bed. The wind had turned the power off momentarily which also shut off her heater and night light. I opened the door and started to help Gracie toward my room in the dark when I heard her say, "Watch your step, Mommy". It melted my heart. I thought it was really sweet. I'm sure we've been saying things like that to her more often with the snow and ice (most of which has melted here). It is always entertaining and rewarding to hear her tell Justin not to touch things like the hot oven or not to eat things like cookies that I've been baking. She's really good at listening when she gets to help enforce the rules.
I went to the doctor today and it was pretty uneventful. Right now I am still glad to be a boring patient and will return again next week. I will admit that I got really jealous on Sunday when I heard that my friend (due 2 weeks before me) had her baby Sunday morning. She went into the hospital about Noon with labor pains and the baby was born by 12:45 (It was her 4th child). So, here is my question : Would you rather have a super short labor (like that) and have to skip the meds completely OR labor a little longer with drugs? I'd appreciate your input so that I can know what to pray for... right now, I'm thinking drugs but may be able to be convinced otherwise.
Wouldn't it be great to know exactly how long labor would last? I think that would be so helpful. You already know this, but for me, I waited as long as I could without drugs. Stuck at 4 and it wasn't until my body was able to finally relax (with the epidural) that I jumped from a 4 - 10 in about 15 mins. I know for some women though, when labor happens so fast, they feel completely out of control. So, sorry, I don't know which would be better...good luck though!
Good question Mag. I wish I knew both versions to share which I'd prefer but for now, I am a huge fan of the epidural--it has served me very well in the past. However, I am totally curious to know if I could handle a short, albeit painful, labor. And by short I mean 15 mins tops, maybe 20, but I am a wimp and that's as much as I'm willing to suffer!
Definitely short labor with no options of drugs! Too bad I didn't even dialate on my own last time, I guess I won't plan on it! Although, come to think of it, after long hard labor it's that much more rewarding right?
I'm thinking drugs. I have a very low tolerance to pain.
Oooh, tough call. But if I could have a 45 minute labor and then be done, I'd take it. But that's from the perspective of not having gone natural. Keep us posted!!
I don't know! I'm not one to want to endure pain if I don't have to...a little bit doesn't hurt, it's good fer ya, my mom says :) It might be nice to skip the meds, but when it comes down to it...I'm not that brave!
I cant believe how close you are! Enjoy having one for now at least enjoy the sleep! Your question is interesting because I have experienced both. This last pregnancy I had the epidural but the baby came too fast so it didnt kick in in time. It was extremely painful but only lasted like 20 minutes (which seemed like 20 hours). I would say that recovery was much quicker without the epidural but I dont think I am brave enough to do that again! Good luck!
Are you kidding "DRUGS" had Garrett without them (not by my choice)learn from somone else's pain.
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