Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Who's the boss?

It has become increasingly apparent around here that Gracie is starting to feel like the boss at our house. Most of the time it's just really funny, other times I feel overwhelmed. Either way, I am kind of looking forward to her taking on the roll of a big sister. I will say that even though she likes to be in charge, I've really appreciated the way that she just wants to take care of everyone and everything. Here are some of the things I've noticed Gracie doing lately.
* Counting when I don't do what she wants me to (
* Repeating scoldings that other parents give their children ("Get out of the road")
* Getting after her baby for doing naughty things ("NO, no, baby")
* Telling me not to fall when I climb on a stool to get something
*asking friends if they need naps when they are crying.
* Telling me when she needs a nap (on some days)
*asking her mini barbies and dolls if they want to pray with us and then telling them to fold their arms.
*asking her horse if he is hungry and getting food for him.
*When Gracie does something naughty and I ask her not to she turns to me and asks, "not nice?". It's cute, but I get the feeling that she knows before she chucks stuff across the room that it isn't very nice.
* Complaining that her dolls have stinky diapers and changing them (undressing and using a wipe). She also has been trying to let her dolls use the potty but I told her that her dolls are still too little to use the potty (not big girls like her, right?)

Anyway, we love Gracie and it is fun to watch her become so grown up.


Suz said...

How fun! I wish you were closer so I could get to know her better! Miss you!

Honey said...

I love that age! She's so cute.

I've enjoyed catching up on your posts, especially the body image one. There's nothing like being bummed about your body after a baby, so I really appreciate that article. Thanks!

Meg said...

I love how cute she is. I bet she will be the best big sister.

emily said...

So funny! I can just hear your voice in some of the things she says! What a cutie!

Flori said...

A little cheeky, isn't she? Reminds me of Bea. I loved the body image article too.

theminerfamily said...

She is the cutest thing! I wish I could see her in action. We used to call Dave's niece the "hall monitor" because she was a lot like that. Hope you are doing well! Not too long before your a mother of two! CRAZY!

I Miss you!

Chelsea said...

So funny! I love the one about her asking other crying kids if they need a nap...that is hilarious! Hope you guys are doing great, and Merry Christmas to you!

Sorensen Family said...

So cute, definantly a little big girl.

Tiffany said...

It's a good thing another sibling is coming so she'll have someone else to boss around. Makenzie is like that too.