Monday, January 12, 2009

What some of you were just dying to know

As I've thought about labor and the details that I could share, a phrase keeps coming to mind... TMI (too much information).'s my attempt to retell my labor story minus TMI.

I woke up last Thursday morning at 4:30. I couldn't sleep because I was uncomfortable and had some cramps. I got up to walk around, folded some laundry and then decided to shower about 5am. By then, I was pretty sure my water had broken and that I was in labor so I went to tell Justin the good news. The only problem was that I was so excited to finally be in labor that I couldn't keep a straight face. Justin totally didn't believe me (or at least he acted like it). I kept getting ready, Justin gave himself a haircut :), I packed my hospital bag and was hoping Gracie would be able to wake up on her own. Once She did (around 7am) we got her dressed and made our way to the hospital.

Once at the hospital (about 8am), they said I was really far progressed and about to have a baby. I was positive for strep B and so I needed to get my antibiotics before I could get my epidural. By the time they were ready to give me an epidural I was really really close to being "ready" so I contemplated going natural but decided that I hadn't really prepared to go natural and that I didn't have a strong enough desire to see what it was like. So... I got an epidural but still felt shooting pains through my right leg and hip. The anesthesiologist replaced the epidural in a higher spot and it made the pain go away but I was totally numb (I could not move my legs an inch or even feel if I was pushing). Anyway, Gunner was born at 10:19 am. The delivery went really well- he DID have to be vacuumed out at the end because his heart rate dropped, but he was healthy and there were no real complications.

As for an update of how things are going now that we are home, it is going well. We feel blessed by the ease of the transition. We are looking forward to the arrival of Justin's parents tomorrow and my mom on Monday.It is an adventure to have a newborn baby again. I feel like I've forgotten a lot and it has also been fun to remember what life is like with such a tiny baby around. The other night as I was tucking Gracie in she said, "Mom, I like Gunner". It was pretty sweet. I think we'll keep them both for now.


Ruth Ann said...

as soon as i read that your blog would not be containing TMI, i had to stop reading. you know that's all i ever want....


Meg said...

It makes me want another one! I am all for reading the more detailed version too. Got to love all the labor stories! Glad things are going well. Keep posting.

Dave and Andrea said...

Congratulations from both of us! Sound like it is going well with two. The last picture of the both of them is so cute!

Carrie said...

You did a good job Mag--but you know I'll make you retell me with all the specifics next time I see you...why is that so fascinating as a woman--to know how far another woman was dilated, effaced and all of that? I could hear labor stories all day and never get tired of them!

Gunner is still adorable, as is Gracie :)

Jill Wittwer said...

I love it! I was happy to see that you wrote down what happened, because us moms like those kind of details! He is just adorable! I am nervous that I have forgotten everything about new babies, I hope it will all come back to me! Gracie looks like a great big sister!

Honey said...

I really enjoy labor stories too! I'm so happy everything went well. Hope you're getting some rest.

Suz said...

Glad to hear it all went well! What cute kids.

janece said...

Again Congrats!!! Have fun they grown up WAY to fast. Love you all.

Unknown said...

That is such a sweet picture. I'm glad that everything turned out well. I hope my time is soon!

Amy Wittwer said...

I keep checking back for details too! It sounds like it went well. Gracie sounds like a good big sister.

MBurt said...

Trying not to cry... I love the miracle of it all. Way to be patient. I think I would have been bugged if Brandon wanted a hair cut. Maybe that's because I'm the one who cuts it. I know without a doubt that you are a great mom. What lucky kids. So cute!

Erin said...

Cute picture of the kids. I'm glad things went well for you. Enjoy the little guy. As you know it doesn't last long. :)

Jen and Ty said...

I love that picture of Gracie and Gunner. He is so cute and I am glad everyone likes having him around. I can't wait to meet him.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Maggie! I remember when Gracie was born, I can't believe she's two; where does the time go? I'm glad to hear that you're doing well! Keep me posted, I love reading your blog!:)

Anonymous said...

By the way, I now have another incentive to try and find a husband; a steak and lobster dinner!:) I mean, I guess love kids and eternal blessing are nice too!!:) oh and I'll have to move to Colorado I would not mind that at All; I actually thought about moving there a time or two. If you hear of any job openings in Colorado let me know. Steak and lobster dinner, here I come!

Josh said...

Congratulations! I'm glad to hear everything went pretty well. He sure is cute! It's probably nice to not have the worry of grad. school looming over your head and just be able to enjoy the baby.

Tiffany said...

How cute (the picture)! We had the vacuum on our first child also, left a nice little hickey on her head. Glad things went well and good luck adjusting to two!

Nicole said...

congrats, mags!!! though you REALLY should have held off one more day. ha. i know that's not how it works, but still. 9 january is the best day of the year!

LeBaron Family said...

Such a sweet picture!

Bobby said...

That picture of Gracie and Gunner is so cute! Oh, and BTW, I told Justin that there were no hard feelings for not naming baby Gunner baby Bobby.

Chelsea said...

Congrats you guys! He is adorable and I'm so glad Gracie adores him too! :) Take care...

Julia Armstrong said...

Hey Maggie, Congrats! Well I just had a little girl for Gunner to play with. I think they would make good friends. You can see her at my husbands blog he created for
Love Ya!

Mee said...

So cute! I've been waiting and waiting! I love his name too! Congrats to all of you :)