Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The best of times, the worst of times

This week has been wonderful and also trying. I think Gracie has done well with the transition of becoming a big sister. That said, it HAS been a transition. She likes to give Gunner kisses and hugs but also like to poke eyes, yell in his face, and do other things to get our attention. I guess I can only hope it will continue getting better. The other day Justin got home and we were talking about his day and spending some time together. Gracie disappeared upstairs and we decided after awhile to go up and check on her. This is what I found.

My mom got Gracie some special kid's handsoap while she was here. It's purple so it showed up really well in Gracie's white-blonde hair. No damage done, but it made us laugh. Today I looked behind me in the car while driving and Gracie (AKA houdini) was completely out of her carseat. She had worked her way out of the arm straps and then slid out of the bottom strap. Arrrrgh. It was so frustrating. I had visions of being pulled over and my social work license being revoked for child abuse. Gracie only laughed to see her mother so upset. She finally got back in her seat when I threatened not to let her watch her barbie princess movie today.
This was a happy moment the same day as the soap incident when Gracie got to go to the park for a special time with mom.

This is a more recent picture of Gunner. I think his cheeks are starting to fill out a little more.

This is Gunner telling everyone how many weeks old he is. LOVE IT!
Lastly, I wanted to post this picture because I've been thinking a lot about the hope of spring. I was so happy that I could take this picture at 5pm and it wasn't already dark!!! Speaking of hope, I was given new hope when I survived a trip to the grocery store with 2 children and a trip to a toddler gym today with both kids as well. See, I won't have to stay in my house for the rest of my life :) What gives you hope?


Carrie said...

Gunner's cheeks ARE getting chubby--very cute! And Gracie all covered in soap is too funny--what a great picture of her purple head :)

The change from 1 to 2 kids was a big one for me--and Bentley too. Good job getting out of the house! That's a big step...

Unknown said...

Your blog gives me hope. :) And thinking of all the people in the world that live without the conveniences that I enjoy. And chocolate.

Jill Wittwer said...

You're a brave mom, I'm starting to get nervous for that BIG transition! So funny the things they do to get attention.

Krista said...

Good job mags. It does feel like victory when you can go places with two kids in tow. I love the pic of gunner showing how old he is! :) way cute. Now is that your backyard that last pic? If so you have a huge backyard. That is awesome.

Martha said...

He is definitely getting bigger, and I'm impressed you've done errands with both kids. I'll be getting tips from you in a couple months.

Amy Wittwer said...

I was totally laughing out loud at the purple soap! So funny.

Meg said...

Some days just getting out of the house with one baby is a challenge. What will I do with 2?!

Meredith said...

Love the soapy purple hair! Too funny!

Brooke McKay and Parker said...

Maggie your family is SO cute! Gracie looks just like you. And know you have a little boy! I love his name. Thanks for inviting me. It will be so fun to keep in touch. You are such an amazing person.

janece said...

Maggie...oh my heck such cute pictures with cute kids. I went from one to three and still was NOT going to stay in the house, I really did look ridiculous with a baby carrier on each arm and a 2 yr old tagging along. Those were the fun times so enjoy them....they really do go faster than you think.

Jen and Ty said...

I am so excited to meet little Gunner! He is getting so cute! It sounds like you are surviving and being more adventurous. I can't wait to talk to you this week and hear more about your adventures!

theminerfamily said...

Mags, your life is filled with so many fun moments! I agree with you about spring... though I have just been told by old man winter that it is not coming for a while. I was jsut telling Dave on Fri. night how I was so happy the snow had FINALLY melted and I was liking the green grass. Then I woke of Sat. to 3 inches of snow! BAH! Oh well, it is beautiful today against the blue sky... now I sound like my Grandma rambling on about the weather. Sorry, I hope you enjoyed the novel! (: