Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Three months

Well, today marks 3 months since Gunner was born. I cannot believe how quickly it has gone, nor how quickly he has grown. Gunner is definitely losing that fragile new born feel, and as you can tell from his pictures if beefing up quite nicely. He is wearing the size 3 diapers that Gracie abandoned when she potty trained and is moving up through his clothes, having grown out almost all of his 0-3 month clothes. Did the time go this quickly with Gracie? In some ways it's hard to remember that she was anything but a toddler, It has been fun to look back at her pictures and old videos and see all of the progress that she has made and to look forward to Gunner making that same progress.

We have been busy lately, enjoying the schizophrenic weather (one day sunny and beautiful, the next a total blizzard or winter wonderland). Gracie has been reading books galore, carrying all of her toys around the house in gift bags (she found a stash of bags in the closet), and LOVING Gunner (read mauling).I have been enjoying the nice weather and have even started running again (funny how you can love something that you hate so much:). Justin started up new classes at the end of spring break and is looking forward to finishing up in mid-may.


Honey said...

Wow, 3 months already? They sure are cute kids!

Krista said...

wow he's getting so big even since we just saw you guys!

Erin said...

My my he has grown. You've got a couple of good looking kids. Glad you guys are doing well.

Carrie said...

Big boy! Love the chubby mushy yummy baby cheeks :)

What crafts are you working on/sewing these days? I'd love to see pics of all your recent work.

Unknown said...

I LOVE Gracie's green hat! You're so lucky that Gracie is potty trained! Glad you had a good Easter. It sounds like you really miss having family around.

Anonymous said...

Hi Maggie,
I hope all is well!:)