Monday, April 27, 2009

Working hard

We've had a fun week! The temperatures here rose high enough for us to have a lot of fun in our backyard. I made a "redneck swimming pool" for Gracie by filling up a storage tupperware. I tried to get a tan too (keyword: Tried). Gracie spiced things up a little and tried to go skinny dipping (A braver woman than I-good thing the backyard is fenced)

We celebrated Justin's birthday last week. I made the recipe for sour cream lemon pie that I posted on my profi frau blog. It turned out awesome. I also made the pictured cake recently and will post the recipe and instructions over on that blog as well. I have also almost finished the curtains that I started for our living room back in January (yes, I am slow).

We broke down and got a lawn mower this week to mow our yard (happy birthday to lawn boy Justin :). He'll think I'm crazy for blogging about this but he really is talented- we love having Gardner Lawn Mowing Fort Collins chapter.

Gracie has been a big helper and it is amazing to continue seeing little parts of her personality unfold. Back in March, when we visited Utah, my mom gave Gracie a polly pocket to play with. I thought the miniature shoes would be lost within a matter of hours and am totally shocked that she has still managed to keep track of them a month and a half later (she must've gotten that gene from her father).

Gunner is squealing with delight and talking up a storm. He is getting more mobile- he has rolled both front to back and back to front but just does it here and there, not all the time. He is starting to play with toys a lot more and is mesmerized when I read books to him.

As for me, my latest projects have been centered around getting ready to leave for the summer. We leave to St. George in less than 3 weeks. We can't wait to see our families!!!
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Meg said...

Yea for warmer weather! By the way I really like your family pics you got taken.

Thanks for the triathlon info. I am a bit nervous! I did do a practice run through last saturday and I survived so that makes me feel better. But I am afraid I will get too competitive and go too fast and end up dying!

Can't wait to see you this summer.

Unknown said...

Gunner is rolling?!? That's amazing! maybe the head helps move things along. :) I'm glad you got some warmer weather. congrats on getting your drapes finished!

CNeilson said...

Fun, fun, fun!

Krista said...

mags who is going to watch your house? I love the "swimming pool." I order you to go and buy an inflatable one...I think they are like $7. :)