Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Everybody dies famous in a small town

Our friends Alli and Morgan came to visit us in Pine Valley. Alli is a photographer and took some pics of us. You can see them on her blog here. Allismiles.blogspot.com. She is a woman of many talents. Thanks again, Alli. If you're wondering about the title, I put it there because we are obviously now famous (how many people do you know with their pictures on the internet???? TJK)

I've been meaning to get some newer pictures here on the blog, but I am having internet issues with the laptop. So... until then,know that we are happy healthy, and we are going back to Colorado in about 5 days. Many updates to come.


Honey said...

Very cute! Have a safe trip home.

Carrie said...

I love these--especially the one of you with your babes Mag--so cute! I hope you get some copies printed up and displayed in your home.

Kim said...

:) So fun!

CNeilson said...

Those pictures turned out sooo cool. It is amazing the different perspective people have of ordinary things! Hope you have arrived safely in CO!

Tiffany said...

Great family photos. can't wait to hear the updates.

Charisse said...

Love the pics Maggie! It was so good to see you at the reunion. You and your kids are just dolls! Love you guys!