So, the other day I searched high and low for my camera cord. I finally found it in a bag that Gracie had carried out to the car. After my frustrating search for the cord, I sat down to blog and post some pictures of our most recent visitors (Jeff and Sara:), one of the cutest pictures of Gracie and Gunner that I think I've been able to get, a picture of the awesome cheesecake that we devoured in just a few short days. Anyway, I need to get something one of these days to put pictures on my blog and computer again. I think I might get the kind that you just put your card in and stick in usb drive. Who knows. Any suggestions?
Windy in SG to I really despise the wind but love the cooler fall weather. Missed you at the shower I think Sara is fitting right in.
I would definitely go for the usb port one for the card. I got one at work after losing the cord for the umpteenth time and it's great. I can just pop the card in, download the pictures and put the card right back in the camera. So that's my suggestion...
Yeah. We use a USB port that is compatible with four different cards. I don't think they are terribly expensive.
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