Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's a marshmallow world in October!

Last week on Wednesday and Thursday we were surprised with all of this white stuff! Can you believe it? I bet it snowed 16-20 inches. We stayed at home, mostly because I didn't care to unbury my snowy car (and our broom broke while cleaning off a tree-don't worry, we fixed it). Good thing Justin is so nice and shoveled the driveway several times and cleared off my snow covered car. Oh, and this is our humble abode- for those who haven't been here in person.


Unknown said...

Wow, that makes me not miss snow. What a nice hubby you have!

janece said...

I however, do not miss snow!!!! That's why I live in the desert-Maggie you're a trooper.

Camie said...

oh man...I am glad those days are behind us...although it does bring about the holiday feeling in the air a little more.