Monday, January 25, 2010

Celebrate good times... again

Our friends invited us over for a 1 year shared birthday party with Gunner's friend Asher,who is 5 days younger. My friend, Becca, made this awesome cake. Gunner acted like an old pro at eating cake, and Asher caught on soon enough. This family is really fun because our kids are pretty close to the same age. Gracie and Riley (Asher's sister) had fun chasing balloons and playing in Riley's play kitchen.

Enjoying the cake

Good thing we started early. The birthday boys were DONE for the night at about 7pm :)


Carrie said...

Yay for a one year old Gunner! How did that year already pass by?? I am getting excited to celebrate Olivia's big day (starting on Sunday actually in a joint party with cousin Connor--and more to come!)

Those block cakes are adorable!

theminerfamily said...

So cute! Happy birthday Gunner! Mags, I haven't been the best at updating my blog, let alone checking yours so it was fun to just get caught up! I also admire the cakes you had for Gunner! I think you said that your friend made the blocks, they must have been hard! Tell her kuddos for me! Also, Yes, we are going to try to breed Mia in the summer... interested???? (:

Unknown said...

That cake is awesome!