Thursday, January 28, 2010

He can't walk yet...

But he can climb with the best of them. These are all pictures from the last few days. I've been keeping my camera close by to try and capture some of these amazing stunts. I want you all to know, that almost every pose was tried MULTIPLE times. I think we will have to rearrange the furniture soon. My one disclaimer is that he had a water container to help him get onto the chair and then onto the kitchen counter (thank goodness that was easy to move- after he climbed up there 10 times).

"Spiderman, spiderman..."

Gunner has learned how to climb up on the bathroom counter, so if we don't leave the door closed, I tend to find him up in the sink- usually brushing his teeth.


Carrie said...

These are funny, funny pics! What a busy guy. They crack me up because Livs is nowhere near that agile--nor that brave. What a crazy cutie!

Erin said...

I can't believe your little guy is one already!! And those are TOTALLY amazing stunts. I bet you are so nervous wondering what he is going to attempt next.

Charisse said...

Gotta love little boys! I don't think they ever slow down.

Flori said...

Is his middle name perchance MONKEY? Wow, those are some pretty good stunts. I love the one of him standing on the chair rail.

Josh said...

I love the Spider Man stunt. He has no fear! That's a lot of work for you :)

Honey said...

That is impressive! I'm sure he keeps you on your toes :) Cute Gunner.

Kim said...

So he doesn't look too confident with his spiderman stunt...How is he standing there??? :)

Unknown said...

Wow! Those are some sweet moves, Gunner!

valumama said...

what a monkey! so funny!

Mariposa said...

when he falls do you just say, "sorry....serves you right...."

because does....

belliesue said...

Way to go Gunner! He's got skills!! You didn't realize that CJ was giving him secret lessons during the summer!