Monday, January 25, 2010

One year

One year old stats:
Height : 30 inches (65th percentile)
Weight:21 lbs. (20th percentile)

I can't believe that Gunner is growing right up on us. We love him so much and he is such a joy to have in our family. I love his little staple remover teeth, his still barely growing hair, his kisses, the ever amazing climbing stunts, the fake crying, the giggles galore, and I don't know if there has ever been someone that I enjoy tickling as much as I do him (he is ticklish all over). We love you, Gunner!


Flori said...

Finally! I have missed the fun pictures of your travels. I can't believe Gunner is one! and he really IS a cake pro. I love the cake picture from Montana!

Honey said...

Time flies! I can't believe he's a year now. I love all your pictures.

I found out a month ago(?) that your SIL Kellie knows one of my good friends from Michigan (Lanette) in Rexburg. Actually, it started with her in-laws serving with your in-laws. Such a small world! :)

Glad you were safe in all your travels - looks like a lot of fun!

Jill Wittwer said...

I love all your pics! Krew weighs more than Gunner, so funny! Looks like you had a great time visiting with the Gardners!

Charisse said...

You have been busy! I can't believe your little Gunner is a year already.

I LOVE your Rexburg pictures. I used to run where the temple is now.

Kim said...

What are these little boys doing in ovens and dryers?? They have minds of their own. :) I'm glad Gunner had a happy birthday! I love those cake pictures. :) He's so silly!