Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gunner's Latest

Gunner will be 16 months in just over a week. He is getting so big. We went to the doctor a few weeks ago and here were his stats:

Height: 31 1/4" inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 21 lbs. 4 oz (10th Percentile)
Head Circ:18 1/2

He is starting to talk a lot more and what I love most is that I feel like I can really communicate with him and he is starting to be able to tell me what he wants and doesn't more and more. I love this age. Gunner loves to play independently but gives the greatest hugs and snuggles right up to me before and after naps (it melts my heart).

The other day he piled up some things at the base of the couch and then climbed up and jumped off onto his pile with NO FEAR. It was awesome. Sorry, we didn't have the camera handy.

Gunner is already starting to tease and loves to make people laugh. Just tonight he was tickling Gracie's tummy and running away laughing.

Gunner has a talent of being able to take his diaper off. It has given me the incentive of having him wear snap onesies most of the time because of the 2 times I've had to clean up some pretty atrocious messes in his crib. (don't even ask- but if you do, I'll tell you the disgusting details :)

Our little boy has 6 teeth on top and 3 teeth on bottom (for awhile he had 3 on top and 3 on bottom). I love my kids' smiles- I guess every mom loves to see a happy face.

Gunner is starting to point to and say names of parts of his body, say animal names and sounds, and sing along with songs (If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops).

Lastly, I just wanted to apologize to Gunner that I haven't recorded more of his information and milestones. I have a lot of them here and there, but definitely not as organized about it as I was with Gracie. I promise to do better.

Dr. Gardner

CSU's Veterinary Teaching Hospital had an open house earlier this month. Justin was in charge of the mock surgery table (and later the cat booth :). We came to visit and check it out. I love the picture above of my two doctors.

Gracie was a little nervous at first about performing surgery, but then she really got the hang of it.

This is the snake she got out of the dog. They had all sorts of funny things in there (ballons, insects, clocks). Gracie also got to milk a goat, and the kids had fun petting animals and walking around (there were all kinds of clubs with booths).

Where did you pick that up?

So, remember my last post about the Sound of Music? Such a sweet, inspiring, innocent, and appropriate show, right? Gracie has continued to watch it daily (I know, I should really be limiting her tv time but that is the only show she has watched all day and the last few days she's been willing to wander around and do other things as long as it is on).

Fast forward to tonight. I'm in Sam's Club picking up some pictures and walking around for a second when Gracie suddenly puts a stiff arm out and says, "Heil, Hitler".

Adolf Hitler and chum Heinrich Himmler Nazi rally

Yikes. I shushed her only to have her say it 2 more times (kind of loud, but saying Hector instead of Hitler- so hopefully not as discernable). We had a little talk about what a bad man Hitler was and how we shouldn't say that. Good lesson taught, but I can't tell you how surprised I was. Of all the lines from that movie to quote. It just makes me sad that no matter how much good there is, evil is always a part of the world.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The hills are alive

A couple of months ago, a girl in our ward sent out an email asking if anyone wanted some old VHS movies. There was a small list that included A Little Princess, Jumanji, The Sound of Music, and some others. I wrote back and she gave me the three listed above. Gracie has loved the Little Princess movie and I finally talked her into watching The Sound of Music on Saturday.

For those who don't know, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this movie. As a young girl I got the double VHS version of this movie for Christmas and must have watched it daily. I could simply not get enough and was just captured by its magic and beauty. My high school did this play when I was a senior and I played Louisa. Even after a million practices and watching this movie probably more than any movie I've ever watched- I still can't get enough. And... Gracie must be my daughter and kindred spirit.

Gracie watched the full (I swear 3 hour) movie on Saturday(with me), Sunday (with the family), and begged me first thing this morning to watch it. I turned her down at first and told her she could listen to the soundtrack, which I have on my ipod. Gracie pulled a chair up right in front of the speakers and sat there just listening to the ENTIRE soundtrack. 20 minutes later she begged again to watch The Sound of Music. I couldn't resist because I know how she feels :) This isn't just casual watching, either. We're talking, "I'll eat lunch when it's over" with her full attention glued to the show. It brings such a smile to my face- EXCEPT for the rule that Gracie made that I can't sing along (which makes me laugh--of course my 3 year old would have to make that rule for her annoying mother).

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Filing an extension

For those who don't know, Justin is a tax baby, so I figured I could file an extension on his birthday post. The last few days have been busy and fun! I LOVE JUSTIN! Here are 28 reasons why (in no special order):

He makes me laugh, he is a hard worker, Justin is handy at fixing things around the house,
he works hard in school, he doesn't quit a job until it is finished,he eats anything I cook and always thanks me, his smile makes me giddy, Justin is a great dad and always the most fun to play with, he loves me in spite of my flaws, he is a true cowboy, he is smart,
he is funny (if you know when he is joking:), he dresses well and takes good care of his things,
Justin writes well, Justin takes time to really think through things and do things right,
he LOVES BYU sports more than the average fan, Justin loves talk radio, Er kann Deutsch,
he is a worthy priesthood holder, Justin is kind and reaches out to others, Justin is a great dancer (seriously), Justin is a big tease (makes me feel right at home after growing up with 5 brothers), Justin is good at sports, Justin is humble and I often have to hear about amazing things he has done through others, Justin is a great example to me, he's not too cool for school :), he's handsome, and he is my best friend and the perfect companion for me.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Lonely Neighbors

I just about died when I saw this yesterday. Gracie stood in our backyard for probably two hours just watching the neighbor kids play next door. Our backyard is a little bare and our neighbors have a cool swingset, a trampoline, and yesterday, had cool new bubbles from Easter. Gracie was kind of talking to the neighbors through the fence and they kept giving her juice boxes, treats, her own little bubbles. Good thing someone is taking care of "the lonely neighbors".

Just another day in paradise

I love this picture because it reminds me of almost every picture I take of my kids- we call it "smotherly love".
Happy Gunner in the swing. He almost didn't let me bring him inside last night.
Gracie didn't want to come in either. "Mom, can we sleep at the park?"
On our walk before the park. We are loving the great weather!

Yee -Haw

Gunner learned a new word a few days ago. "Yee-Haw". I guess it is somewhat fitting, because everything seems to be a horse lately. Do you think it's genetic?

Easter and Conference in Billings

We sneaked away from school for the weekend and drove up to Billings, Montana (where Justin's parents are). It was so much fun to see them and Kellie's family, who was there as well. Life sure is easy with cousins around.

Most of the grandkids with Grandma and Granddad after the Easter egg hunt (we missed Lizzie, Maddie, and CJ- and Carrie, Baggs, Jeff, Sara, Kim, and Camille).

Our little family after the hunt.

The lovely girl with lovely purple sunglasses (she wears them everywhere).

Gunner didn't really get the concept of gathering as many eggs as possible. He would just try to open and eat all the candy as he went along. I can't tell you how many times I found him with foil wrappers and chocolate dripping out of his mouth (should I admit that?).

Before the Easter egg hunt, they were trying to contain the kids. Gunner had had enough, so we started the hunt.

Kellie's daughter Addie (6 months older than Gunner, and she has a twin, Andrew. Not sure why I didn't get all the babies together in a picture). Maybe because the only time I think I saw them all together was when they were emptying the indoor geranium flower bed...oops.

Gracie with Spencer and Tanner. They made fruit loop necklaces to help them be reverent during conference. So fun.