For those who don't know, Justin is a tax baby, so I figured I could file an extension on his birthday post. The last few days have been busy and fun! I LOVE JUSTIN! Here are 28 reasons why (in no special order):
He makes me laugh, he is a hard worker, Justin is handy at fixing things around the house,
he works hard in school, he doesn't quit a job until it is finished,he eats anything I cook and always thanks me, his smile makes me giddy, Justin is a great dad and always the most fun to play with, he loves me in spite of my flaws, he is a true cowboy, he is smart,
he is funny (if you know when he is joking:), he dresses well and takes good care of his things,
Justin writes well, Justin takes time to really think through things and do things right,
he LOVES BYU sports more than the average fan, Justin loves talk radio, Er kann Deutsch,
he is a worthy priesthood holder, Justin is kind and reaches out to others, Justin is a great dancer (seriously), Justin is a big tease (makes me feel right at home after growing up with 5 brothers), Justin is good at sports, Justin is humble and I often have to hear about amazing things he has done through others, Justin is a great example to me, he's not too cool for school :), he's handsome, and he is my best friend and the perfect companion for me.
I approve of your extension :)
We can't wait to see you guys come May!
What a great hubby! What's a tax baby?
Happy Birthday Justin!
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