Monday, October 11, 2010

Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'...

Every once in awhile I'm transported to a different life when my world revolved around singing all day long. I'm filled with happy memories of performing at rest homes, assemblies, Disneyland, and Christmas parties. I hear certain music, my body strangely remembers choreography learned over a decade ago, and I wish to be on stage :) Is it just me? I'm happy with where I am, but I do love to surprise Justin with ugly dances or songs or impress him with the words I know to way too many songs.

Today I was in goodwill and heard "Wishin' and Hopin". I thought of my girlfriends that sang with me and happy memories of our all girl's show choir. "4. 1. 'Cause you won't get him...". I would post old pictures, but I'm too lazy to plug in the scanner.

Here's to happy memories!


Unknown said...

I've been having similar thoughts. I ache to be dancing again. maybe one day, eh? Here's to memories.

Flori said...

One day (also in Goodwill, because they DO play ugly music there), I realized I had just sung under my breath every single word of Madonna's "La Isla Bonita". I was mortified that my subconcious dredged that up.

Bekah said...

Love it! And yes, I do the same thing!

Jill Wittwer said...

I love it, you make me laugh! Your such a happy person, we sure wish you guys lived closer!!

emily said...

so glad you wrote this. those were such good times. it think you should bust out a performance for justin, and for sure your kids, they would love it!

CNeilson said...

I love that you remember all the words! You know me . . . I love to hum along, but usually can only remember a few words of the chorus of any song :)

Martha said...

I totally do that. Confession: I even dug up my cheerleading outfits to see if I can still fit in them for Halloween. (Wishin' and hopin'..._