Gunner carving a pumpkin the day before halloween! The reason why I didn't do a picture of the finished product is that we ran out of steam and never finished. Awesome, huh?
Our cute cow at the ward party. I made him this costume and was happy with how it turned out.
Gracie in her sleeping beauty dress. Her favorite part of halloween was being allowed to wear some mascara each time she dressed up.
This was the best I got of the two of them.
All worn out. She didn't even wake up when the prince (Justin) kissed her cheek.
Gunner's costume looks amazing! Impressed, but not surprised. We loved Halloween, but I'm excited to put the last of the costumes away today!!
Wow! You made that cow costume? You're amazing! I love the sleeping princess picture. My kids never fall asleep in weird places. Too bad.
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