Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Three and Me

I just barely posted about savoring moments and wanted to blog anyway today about having three children. I know I've been blogging more lately, and I hope you all feel free to skip anything that bores you. I just wanted to journal a little bit about this transition.Three kids! How did we even get here? I love being a mother and love all of my children. I was really curious about how the transition to three kids would be and pictured myself blogging about it a week or two after Maisy was born. I guess I pictured myself doing that before all of the complications. For the first six weeks I hardly felt like I had three kids. Yes, I was going to the hospital daily. Yes, I was spending time with Gracie and Gunner, but I was never (or hardly ever with three kids all at once).

I guess the most surprising thing about having three kids for me has been how different it has all gone than I expected. Maisy is over 2 months (10 weeks on Thursday) and I have still not had to venture out by myself with all 3 kids. Maisy has been home for one month this week.Being quarantined has taken away any expectations I might have had for myself of still making it to play groups, doing singing time, handling 3 kids at church, or braving the grocery store. Having a winter baby also helps me feel more content to stay at home. Especially when it is too cold or too snowy to venture out anyway.

In addition, Maisy seems to be a little calmer than the average baby, probably because her heart wears her out. In short, I feel that my opinion of 3 kids not being such a hard transition could be attributed to all of these other factors. I like having three kids and am interested and terrified to see how it goes at church, the grocery store, and anywhere else. I'm also interested to see how bedtime, naptime, mealtime and other times go when I don't have Justin around helping me so much. Today is day 1 by myself though and it has gone pretty well. My two hardest chores seem to be pumping and getting laundry done. The older kids are playing well and Maisy is watching me blog.

I guess what I should have said from the beginning about having three kids is- ask me again when I have to load them all in the car and go somewhere. For now, I'll spend my days reading stories, practicing letter writing, blowing up balloons, trying to get more smiles and hope for the first belly laugh :)


theminerfamily said...

Mags, I just took a moment to get all caught up and I LOVE all your recent posts! Way to keep it up with all the other things you are doing. I know you will cherish the memories. Maisy is so beautiful and you all look so great (and very happy!) I am glad to hear she is doing well. I am still laughing at your "Baby Alive" photo. SO cute. Love ya!

CNeilson said...

I loved that Baggs was home for a month or so after we added our 3rd too. It made a huge difference!

Love the photos . . . and your blog posts are never boring. . . keep on posting :)

Honey said...

I'm so happy everyone is doing well! Stay in as long as you can and just enjoy. Sweet pictures.

MBurt said...

Yup, sounds too good to be true. But maybe I have too many expectations and should just take advantage of not going anywhere. Instead of stressing about how I'm going to do it.

PS- You look like John in this picture (no offense at all intended).

Maggie said...

I have been told I'm the girl version of him :)

janece said...

Maggie...oh I just caught up on your sweet life. I LOVE this blogging world that I can keep in touch with you and Justin and your sweet little angels even though we're miles apart!! Love all of You!!!

belliesue said...

Oh so fun Maggie! I do agree it's much easier when you just decide to stay at home and enjoy the moment!
Maisy is just so cute and happy! What did you find out at her 2 mo. apt. about surgery last week?
I love Gunner's cake! You did a fabulous job! I remember for Hunter's 2 year old bday I wasn't going to go to the effort of making a cake because I didn't think he'd care, but I was so relieved I did because he talked about his horse cake forever!
Good luck with the new semester! You guys are doing great!