Gunner is such a fun and funny little boy. His hair looks a little more relaxed these days because I don't often put product on it when we are staying at home. His hair is still super curly though and looks especially curly right after his baths.
Gunner has many obsessions that center around a greater obsession- being a cowboy. He is totally obsessed with boots and needs to have them on all day. He even discovered that a bigger pair of boots somebody gave us fits on over his footie pajamas.
Another obsession is this little black hat he got for Christmas. He hardly ever loses track of it and wears it for a good portion of the day. We bought him a snow hat for Christmas but he won't wear it because it isn't "howboy".
Yesterday I put some khaki pants on Gunner and within ten minutes he took them off and declared that he wanted "howboy pants" (his jeans). I thought it was pretty funny.Gunner has decided that he doesn't like anything wet. He also knows how to take off his diaper. When he wets his diaper he just ditches it. It's kind of funny and sort of slick, except when he's poopy. YIKES!! We've been doing a little bit of potty training but I'm kind of letting him guide it because I found that Gracie was a lot easier to potty train once she really wanted it. We'll see. I'm open to suggestions and recommendations. (by the way. He is wearing a diaper in the carseat picture).
I've decided that the hardest thing about having 3 kids is getting things calm enough that Gunner will want to take a nap. His napping has become somewhat sporatic and he has quit napping on most days or occasionally crashes at about 4:30 or 5pm (the worst time ever for a little boy to take a nap). The other day he got quiet so I went to check on him. This is what I found. I guess he got tired while changing his pants.
What great expressions your little cowboy has! he sounds like a barrel of fun, minus taking off poopy diapers of his own accord.
Fun times! We're gonig through some of those same nap challenges at our house as well. It's definitely not a stage I love going through. Addie especially can't handle life around 5:00 if she hasn't had a nap. It sounds like Gunner is ready to go for the big boy pants! Andrew has done great once he figured out potty treats. It's been better than I thought it would be...although there are always messes still...the trick is being up to it mentally! I decided to wait on Addie...I'm not quite mentally there on her messes yet:) Cute little cowboy!!
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