Our little Maisy is now 4 months old. Where has the time gone? Here are her stats:
Weight:9lbs.5oz (she just maintained this week because she was sick)
Height:22 inches
Head Circumference: 15 1/4
Here are some notes about the last month:
* I'm still pumping but bumped it down to twice a day about mid-month. It has made pumping a lot more do-able. I've been supplementing her other feedings with milk from the freezer and anticipate by my stash that I will have to start supplementing with formula within the next few weeks.
*Maisy loves her binky, but I wouldn't describe her as binky dependent. She will only take "soothies" and a "gumdrop" pacifier (shaped like a soothie) she got in the hospital. This month she found her thumb, and even though it was hard to break Gracie of the habit, there are few things as adorable to me as a tiny baby sucking a thumb.
*Miss Maisy loves her hands, loves reaching for toys, giggles at us, and is splashing in the bath.
*Maisy is incredibly good-natured and we all love her happy disposition.
* She still loves diaper changes and I feel like it takes forever for us to get through a box of diapers. She still fits a size one diaper, although I sometimes put her in a 1-2.
* I put away the last of the newborn clothes this week and put her in her first 3-6 month outfit this week. I think I'll pull out my 3-6 month box and see what fits her.
*she has rolled from tummy to back, but not back to tummy.
* She has still been sleeping through the night (until the last week when she has been sick).
That's all I can think of for now. Maisy is doing a lot better and just has a lingering cough. She gets better each day.
OH Mag, hang in there! I'm so proud and impressed at how well you are handling all of this. I talk about getting depressed when I am couped up in my house for 1 day, I can't imagine how you must feel. And I also can't imagine how sick you must feel when someone so tiny is sick! We are praying for you guys and how that things start looking up soon!
Hooray for Maisy! I'm glad she's doing better with her cough. She is beautiful.
I know I say this every time, but she is so cute! I'm glad she's feeling better.
Cute sweet maisy. Is she already 4 months! Mags you are amazing. I started supplementing at 4 months and I didn't have all the other stuff you are going through. I think you are amazing. truly. We love you.
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